I joined few weeks back have tried three times to post a message without success.
Cannot upload pics
Cannot upload pics
I joined few weeks back have tried three times to post a message without success.
Cannot upload pics
Ok just got back from vets....... They are both girls.......... One is slightly heavy than other this being the dominant one... Figures!
He has advised to continue to keep them separated and consider having oak spayed ??
In one way relieved they are same sex but also upset they will never get along.
Any advice most welcome.
No it is not an option for us.
Do not worry.............. Pinky promise
Such a shame they cannot be together now.
I would certainly consider it . I am worried about my Birch she is so loving and affectionate.
I think it would be healthy for my daughter to witness loving guinea pig relationships. x)
Your iPhone post was helpful but unfortunately my iPhone is the older version so not compatable.
Will post pics via laptop tmw.