8 Months Old Female

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Senior Guinea Pig
Feb 9, 2016
Reaction score
Binfield, berkshire
you'll probably regonise tic tic & her troubles. This one had to be separated because she's been bitten, it was a lot worse than we thought. She's been to the vet, & had antibiotics, & she said to get her bonded with another by the end of the week. So we tried some other female from our broods now that was explosive. So thinking of buying another, if so what age should we go for. Oh by the way the last piggy, we tried wouldn't say boo to a ghost.
you'll probably regonise tic tic & her troubles. This one had to be separated because she's been bitten, it was a lot worse than we thought. She's been to the vet, & had antibiotics, & she said to get her bonded with another by the end of the week. So we tried some other female from our broods now that was explosive. So thinking of buying another, if so what age should we go for.

Hi! Please do not buy more guinea pigs on spec if you are faced with a problem guinea pig with major trauma and fear-aggression issues; It is a recipe for disaster! :(

Where are you located? Any further advice is going to depend on that. Please click on your username on the top bar, go to personal details and scroll down to location, then add your country, state/province and county to your details. We have got members from all over the world and get lots of enquiries. Thank you!
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