6 week old boars settling in

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Kettering, Northants
Hi all, I've just got 2 6 week old boars (2 days ago) who are very lovely! They are not 'brothers' as such but lived in a hutch with both of their mothers, so I guess they think they are.

The lady we got them from said she handled all of her guinea pigs every night so they are used to people, which is great.

I left them alone for the first day, and am now getting them out every day. They are scared when I get them out but I can get them quite quickly so that's not an issue...but I think one of them isn't too keen on coming out. While he's sitting on my lap having a stoke he sits still and occasionally makes like a rumbley sound? I thought it was the cooing so was happy but on searching the internet I'm thinking it's maybe the 'keep away' sound?

I don't want to annoy him but equally don't want to stop getting him out incase it's then gets harder....what would you suggest? The other one makes no sounds at all.

I know it will take them a while to settle...they haven't come out of the bed section of the hutch yet, hence haven't drank anything or had any of their nuggets...although I've been putting vegetables in the bed section and they are eating that.
Hello and a big warm welcome to the forum :)

Congratulations on your new little one's i love boars they make fabulous pets :) I'd personally leave the handling till they've had four or five days settling in and getting used to their new home and you.

With my piggies instead of handling I choose to sit by their cage or hutch for an hour a day reading to them, so they can get used to my scent, sound and realise when they hear me its just a 'normal' sound. I'd also suggest you putting something you own into their cage (ie a fleecey blanket, or a cheap dish cloth thats been in your room) this might sound like an odd thing to do but they'll soon recongise that you scent isnt associated with something bad.

With handling you could try placing a tube or a cosie cup into the hutch/cage for them to run into, and then you just lift them up. This might make them feel more secure and safe, and keep handling to a shot ten to fifteen minutes twice daily. Try to get them used to you feeling their paws, nose, around the mouth, ears and behind as this will come in handy when health checking them.

Handling and gaining their trust, depending on the piggie does usually take alot of time and patience, I've now owned five pigs of my own and four I 'fostered' (sister in laws) and I know that all piggies have different personalities, some instantly want human attention and will happily be petted for hours whereas some prefer you just watching at a distance. I've owned Artie for two and a half years now, he doesn't mind me being around, or going near him he just hates cuddle time (or health check time) but doesn't mind being stroked in his cuddle cup.

Ah thank you. I think we're doing ok then...I just wasn't sure whether to carry on handling the one who's making the noises or not.

I'm assuming they will start drinking/eating properly when they've settled? I don't want to put everything in their bed section incase they never come out!
Hi! Welcome to the forum. I have two boars too - we've had them a month now so I'm still a baby piggie owner!

Don't worry about food - they will go and get it when they are ready. It took my little one Gilles ages to go to the food bowl when I was looking, but they both go now more when we are about - before they only used to go when we were away from the room.

It's a bit of a slow process - mine still aren't too keen on being handled but they are getting better. I used to panic because they never seemed to squeak or popcorn much but now they do it all the time :D x
Thank you! I did wonder whether they are sneakily eating and I think they may be, but a very little amount but definitely no water has gone. But as they are eating vegetables I guess that's ok?

Is it ok to put them in the run while they're still settling, or are they likely to just hide anyway?
Don't worry - neither of mine drank anything for the first couple of days - providing you are giving them fresh veggies (and it's always handy to not dry the veg when you wash them, extra water) then it should all be okay. Just keep an eye on it, I ended up syringe feeding my smaller boar water for a few days as I was a bit concerned and then he got brave enough to drink from the bottle.

I would keep them in the cage for a bit before putting in a run, get them used to their home x
Thank you very much...I'll keep an eye on it. I have tried putting the water bottle to them but they weren't interested. I'll see how they go this week.

Thank you for all of your advice...I'll stop asking so many questions and get searching now! Fab forum.

Welcome to the forum!

If you are still worried that your little ones aren't drinking, you could try a few veggies that are higher in water content (ie cucumber, celery). You could also put a little water in a bowl near to them.

As others have said, it does take a while for them to settle. They often sneak out for food/drink when you're not looking!

Helen x
Thanks Helen, they did have some cucumber today...boy did they love it! Was eaten very quickly although obviously not in front of me!
Yay caught one of them out in the living area this morning (ran off as soon as I came out) and someone has been drinking as the water has finally gone down! :))
welcome!:(|) i have 2 6week old boys as well,got them 2weeks ego..i know what your going thru...what always works is to take them out for some "floor time" and just let them get use to you,your smell,your voice..i also put them on my lap with some food..thats when i get to pet them the most..food is def a way to their little heart:(|)xx>>> goodluck! you got any pics?
I have...couldn't work out how to get it on under my username though?

They don't seem to mind too much sitting on our laps and being stroked - it's just one of them (the bigger boy!) that I thought was kind of cooing with happiness...but I'm not sure whether it was actually in anger! Oops.

I've been making a point of going and talking to them at different times, so not only when I want to get them out.
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