5ft or 6 ft

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What should i get for 4 or 5 boys a 5 ft or 6ft cage?

but saying that where the cage is going to go there is allready a 4ft one there wha twe will be geting rid of i dont think a 6ft one would fit it
Why not keep the 4ft and get 6 ft foot story like my mum said and keep two boars in the 4ft and 3boars in the 6ft! More room then ;)
becouse the 4 ft one has been out in the rain and snow etc for 3 or 4 years

and there wont go up and down ramps my lot wont anyways

andi wont all the boys to live togther too

I'm geint a 5ft or 6 ft one story one
I thought that it was difficult to get more than 2 boars to live in harmony. I know it's possible but I'm not sure how common it is. Hopefully you'll be lucky and all your boys will be super chilled out. Definately go for as much space as you have room for though.
Fair enough, well if they won't go up and down ramps get a 6ft story hutch, but its 2cages, like 1 on top of the other this way its more room for them, they'll kinda be living together, and they could all be put together in 1 big run during the sunny days, so they wouldn't be lonely :)
no I'm not geting a double hutch I'm going to get a 6ft or 5ft long cage for them and i will need to put a 3 foot cage on top of it aswell
O0 Who's going in the 3foot hutch ontop?
we got a 6ft long hutch in our back garden, it was 3ft but we extended it to DOUBLE so its 6ft! We call it the piggie mansion, it's really big.
Look, can see where we extended it :D


max is going in the 3ft one as he dne not like his sons what he made ::) hes not fit to be with another boy he would happliy go live iwht lilly his girlfriend but thats a no no and he is quite happy on his own he gets to see lilly when out in the gardan and he knows she is there he putters aronnd like an old man

i like that cage looks really good how many do you have in there

i really need to go merase and see how long my gap is to put it in is
Three go in the above hutch Hannah ;) they are in the two storey hutch inside the shed at the moment. They had never been in a hutch with ramp and got used to it within a day.
2 of my cages i have what are 4ft are 2 storay cages but there will not go down them ( i use to have rabbirts in one of them)
The 'ideal' recommended space for a pair of pigs is 4ft x 2ft with floor/run time(I know this isn't always possible!) O0 With boars, more is better to reduce the risk of squabbles, and no more than pairs unless you have an exceptionally mellow group that will live as a trio :)
^^^^^^^^ i know all that but the boys what I'm puting togther are baby boys and there are going to live with there big borther 14 week old aflie who is dreapate for some firends to play with

anyways i have measured my space and i would get a 5ft one in as when it gets to 5ft the space it is where the france starts i would of moved it forword to have a longer one but with having to put the 3 ft one top i need to have it back to the wall

and where the cage is going to be outside its a good place as when it rains it doesnt go in the cages and it blows past it so the inside dosent get wet which is good

you see i live at home with my mum and dad still and its there house ot mine

when i get my own house there will live inside or in a heat shard
If you are going to put 4 or 5 boys together in a 5ft hutch you will most likely get huge arguments between them as they start to mature. My 3 groups of 3 boars are all in 6ft hutches, they would probably all want to kill each other if they were in anything smaller and I certainly wouldnt keep anymore than that in there with them.
yeah there are all borthers and 4 of them live togther allready anyways (2 and half weeks old) than theres aflie there big bother who will be 15 weeks at the weekend and cant wait for some firends to play with but aflie is very laid back little boy and really firendly aswell

anyways i went to my loacl pet shop where i got my other 2 cages form and he doesnt go 5ft ones or 6ft ones jsut 3ft and 4ft ones so i will have to go to pets at warehouse as i have seen that there have 5ft or 6ft cgaes there the same make as the ones i have allready i think it might of been a 6ft one

but i had an idea this moring i throught if i could move holly and meggies big dobule cage and put it where i was going to put the 5ft cage i could easly fit a 6ft cage where holly and meggie cages was

as at the moment i have the 3 ftcage underthe carport than holly and meggies 4ft cage next to it and lillys 4ft cage on top of holly and meggie cages and with the 3ft and the 4 ft cages next to each other that takes up 7ft anyways jsut have to run the idea buy my mum
Good luck putting all your boys together

I had only 2 brothers together for 18 months and then one day they wouldn't tolerate each other and blood was drawn
luckily I was there at the time not sure what might of happened if they had done it when I was out

I would agree with sprescue they may well be trouble later especially if there is any girlies around

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