Hello, we are new to this forum but are hoping there might be some folks here who might recognise the symptoms our lovely guinea pig, Pumpkin is getting and might be able to offer some advice please. She is 5 years old this summer and last summer we noticed she was drinking more than usual and peeing more and we took her down to our vet. They checked her urine and seemed fine no signs of bladder stones and prescribed antibiotics and metacam for a week. It did seem to help but she still drunk a lot more than the others. We took her back earlier this week as she is loosing weight but always eating and still drinking and drinking and peeing lots. Her poos were starting to get softer too. She had a temp so vet prescribed more of the same antibiotics for a week and some fibre paste to give her 3 times a day. We are also giving her lexicon once a day. She does seem a little less thirsty and her poos look better to but she is still not right. We go back on Monday and I think the vet suggested she could be put under general anesthetic to get bloods and scan to check for kidney disease and maybe cushings disease. Her weight was around .85 kg which is down again from last summer of 0.95kg and she was usually over a kg. I'm worried about her going under anesthetic and not sure if anyone else has seen these symptoms before and recognise them? They took an ear prick test and said they could rule out diabetes. She seems to be running around and coming to us for treats as usual but she is eating very fast and still drinking more than the others do. Thanks