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5 days old head tilted on one side


New Born Pup
Apr 30, 2023
Reaction score
Hello, I really need help. My mommy guinea pig recently gave birth to 4 babies. Just a moment ago, I suddenly noticed 1 of them can't walk nor sit straight, head tilted on side and one eye is unresponsive (sclera can be seen). He can move and wiggle his legs but when I put him down, his head tilted and cannot move so much like the others. I've also observed that his responses are delayed, and having a hard time eating and drinking. Vet's kinda far so I cannot immediately bring him now. What should I do? Please help (ಥ﹏ಥ)
It sounds like he really needs to see a vet.
Things such as head tilts are classed as high risk and need to be seen by a vet immediately.

There is a chance he may pass on his own, but if not a vet will examine him and let you know the different options.
I do not have any experience with issues like this in such young pigs, but from my share of experiences such severe disabilities are sort of 50/50, especially if this is affecting his ability to eat.

You may find these guides to be helpful in general - Pregnancy, Mother & Baby Care Guides
How Soon Should My Guinea Pig See A Vet? - A Quick Guide

I am wishing you all the best x