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4Joints Dosage help


Forum Donator 2024/25
Jun 7, 2017
Reaction score
Solihull, West Midlands
I've read that some members have found Johnson's 4Joints helpful for their older and arthritic piggies, so I thought I'd try some for Winifred - anything to get her a bit more mobile and a bit less of a wee-pants piggy!
However it is designed for dogs and cats, so doesn't show a dose for piggies. Can anyone help? I presume as it is a supplement it would take a lot to overdose, but I imagine there is an optimal amount to take. Winifred also has half a Cystease capsule in CC most days for the glycosamine.
I have not heard of that one. Have you tried using the search feature on this forum? I know that is basic but it might help you find what you are looking for. Is this any better than oxbow joint support or sherwood Tablets? Might be worth using one of those if you can't find an answer to your question. Sorry for not offering much help but I wanted you to get any sort of reply.
I've read that some members have found Johnson's 4Joints helpful for their older and arthritic piggies, so I thought I'd try some for Winifred - anything to get her a bit more mobile and a bit less of a wee-pants piggy!
However it is designed for dogs and cats, so doesn't show a dose for piggies. Can anyone help? I presume as it is a supplement it would take a lot to overdose, but I imagine there is an optimal amount to take. Winifred also has half a Cystease capsule in CC most days for the glycosamine.

I know @furryfriends (TEAS) and @YvonneBlue use it - I’ve tagged them now so hopefully they will see it
Red and Brillo both have it and are running around like youngsters despite their arthritis, the vet is impressed. She hadn't thought of giving it to guinea pigs but thought it sounded a good idea. I think it's better than the very over priced biscuits marketed for guinea pigs that mine sniff and totally ignore as it contains cronditin as well as glucosamine. I give .4ml once a day each, they love it and tug the syringe trying to get more out!
Red and Brillo both have it and are running around like youngsters despite their arthritis, the vet is impressed. She hadn't thought of giving it to guinea pigs but thought it sounded a good idea. I think it's better than the very over priced biscuits marketed for guinea pigs that mine sniff and totally ignore as it contains cronditin as well as glucosamine. I give .4ml once a day each, they love it and tug the syringe trying to get more out!
Excellent stuff! I hope Winifred will like it that much too. I have been giving them the biscuits, but Winifred decided a while ago that she doesn't like them. It will be great if the 4Joints puts a bit of a spring in her step 😁