40 Degree Day Coming Up

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Eek - our first mega hot day is approaching. I'm in Melbourne, Australia and just got my 3 female guinea pigs a week ago so have the new mum worries. They're settling in well. Currently in a big cage but plans underway for a C and C.

We've been having lovely low to mid 20s days but Thursday is forecast to be 40 C.

I've read every thread I can find on heat but just want to double check my preparations.

Cage is indoors and curtains etc will be closed. Have some white tiles in the fridge to pop in the cage for them to lie on, along with some frozen waterbottles/brick things to cover in a sock and put in. Cucumber and watermelon ready to feed and will freshen up the water through the day. Noone will be home between 7am and late morning but I'm hoping it won't be too too hot at that stage. Will take out the pigloo (plastic) and put in the stick bridge thingy. Will the wooden house be OK or does that trap heat too?

We'll leave the evap cooling on (but it doesn't do much if the humidity is high.)

Anything else I should do?

Any other hot temperature location people out there to reassure me?

I'm about to start summer holidays but for the longer term was wondering about the work days if they happen to be really hot ones. Luckily I work from home part of the week but am a teacher 2 days and on those days noone is home most of the day.

Am seriously contemplating putting a split system air con unit in our bedroom. We sometimes get a run of high 30s, low to mid 40s in Melbourne over summer and I'm worried about how they'll go. Figure us, the kids and the guinea pigs could all bunk into our bedroom on those icky muggy revolting hot days. :-)
Wow! I'm not jealous at all! I live in Scotland so have the opposite problem to you! What I would say though is if possible make sure the cooling agents you use (the tile and the water bottles) are as close to their hidey as possible (or even in it if it'll fit) I found my boys wouldn't use the heat pads unless they could still hide and feel safe. I eventually compromised with them (they were using the hay hut which made the hest pad covers manky!) and found a spot that was semi-covered that they sometimes use. Your bridge sounds like it would work well as you could put the water bottle at the back and still leave an opening for them.

I'd also make sure the water bottle is just water and not like an ice pack with that blue chemical stuff in, just in case it were to burst open.

Afraid I can't offer any more advice than that, hopefully someone with more experience will b able to give something more.
Sounds like you have everything covered pretty much. Just wish I was there, don't think we have EVER witnessed 40 degree heat over here in the uk, unless we switched the oven on and opened the door.
I am also in Australia and know about the yukky day!

I wouldn't put the cage near any windows whatsover.

I have my piggies in a large, dark shed. I will be flattening their hay so they don't get too hot, checking the water bottle as often as I can, and giving the guinea pigs a cool bath when they seem too hot (use shallow water pan indoors with a bit of towelling near a fan - the fan is really helpful). Definitely not outdoor weather for them!

Cucumber and watermelon does sound great, might consider doing that!
BRRR - I don't like heat and always suffer badly.

You sound thoroughly prepared!

I found this link on facebook here: http://guineapigsaustralia.com/summer heat management.htm

My only reserve is over frozen treats as some all too eager greedy guts can to damage to their lips and longue; it's happened to a forum member. But you can add crushed ice to your water bottles so they keep cooler for longer while you are out at work.
Thanks for the tips everyone. (And for that great link.) 6pm and piggies are going well. Supposed to stay hot til at least midnight then cool off to more respectable temps. They seemed to like their watermelon and have a covered ice bottle/pack in the stick bridge area and on top of the wooden house. Dampened an old cot sheet and popped that over the end that gets a bit of the fan/cooler blowing.
So far so good.
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