New Born Pup
My Guinea pig stopped eating so I took him to the vet, she said that she can't see if it is a root absess or the root of the tooth has gone through the jaw. She prescribed pain meds and antibiotics along with emeprid, and said the antibiotics will either work or it won't if it doesn't then the root has probably gone through the jaw and there is nothing she can do and gave me a follow-up appointment just over a week later. At the next appointment the vet said that the lump had gone down a bit so she wants to give the antibiotics more time to work. We are now 1wk and 5days from the first appointment and I am still syringe feeding every 3hrs, he does eat little amounts by himself but not enough to stop the critical care, he was 1084g on the first vet appointment, 995g on the second appointment and now he is 975g. He seems OK in himself and is willing to eat but only little bits. I don't know what else to do to get him to eat more by himself. Has anyone got any advice on what more I can do to help him?