3 Piggies And One Owner That's Willing To Try?

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Squeak Dreams

Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score
Essex UK
Hi fist let me introduce myself :) I'm Jessica and I and a soon to be a piggies owner now I would love girls however I don't mind I would love four piggies because of groups however my parents aren't so keen on the idea I have to keep the piggies OUTSIDE ONLY because my parents don't like them being inside cause they think they are smelly THEIR NOT THAT BAD but there we go i am only aloud 2 but I'm going to persuade 3 at least but the problem is the outsider but I'm willing to try any suggestions ? Will there be more harder costly wise
Three boys very rarely work.As long as you have a large hutch that can be put in a shed in the winter they will be fine.Three girls might work but there could be one left out.They need loads of space and vets fees cab be expensive especially if they all get I'll at once.They are expensive to keep day to day as they need fresh veg every day unlimited good quality hay and good quality pellets.
Three boys very rarely work.As long as you have a large hutch that can be put in a shed in the winter they will be fine.Three girls might work but there could be one left out.They need loads of space and vets fees cab be expensive especially if they all get I'll at once.They are expensive to keep day to day as they need fresh veg every day unlimited good quality hay and good quality pellets.
I'm afraid as much as I would love to put them in a playhouse/shed my parents won't let me but they will let my put it in our garage in the winter image.webpThe piggies will go where the ladders are and we will move the ladders and green thing other than that I can provide everything for my piggies and give them a loving safe home I'm still not sure whether I should get 3 or not ?
I have three boars simply because I felt it was not fair to only pick two of the three brothers and leave the other one to struggle being paired with another piggy at a later date. My boys are around ten weeks now and I'm already seeing signs that one is being left out. If you want my honest opinion your best only getting two boars that are already paired up. I'm going to buy another hutch if my piggy does not get on with his brothers, I will then use my nearest rescue centre (from this site) to find him a suitable friend.
Hey I just got too piggies. My mom is the same and there hutch is outside which is not ideal but that happens sometimes. I keep mine in the corner of the garden with all areas around them wither wall or trees, this breaks the wind a little bit so shouldn't get too cold. Also they need a little bit more food than indoor piggies to keep them warmer. I also have lots of hiding toys for them which they either both snuggle in or they snuggle into their bedding. Also I don't know if this is common practise but when I bring them in I have windows open so they don't go from hot and cold all the time. An issue with being outside is bonding apparently takes longer, but I only had my piggies over a week and Barnie is happy to let me stroke him when his eating and will even fully relax and lie down all spread out, scooby either runs or freezes when I go to stroke him so just needs a little more time, but I just sat outside their hutch talking to them, before Barnie let me start stroking him I just put my hand on their level in their cage then when they had sniffed me out I giggled my fingers and slowly moved my hand until they got used to it moving near them then try stroking them. So as long as you take time out to let your piggies accept and trust you and also provide them with extra bedding, food and shelter they should be ok.

And I wouldn't get three, one reason, which is selfish a bit but I love getting to know my piggies and anymore than two I think would be difficult if like me these are your first.

Best of luck
Amy xx
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