2 weeks ago one of our 4 piggies died suddenly, no sign of illness or injury, had been fine the day before and was found dead in the morning.
We cleaned the hutch out and were debating getting his hutch mate a new friend.
On Sunday, his brother (both just turned 1) died in the same circumstances. Seemed perfectly healthy, eating fine, no diarrhoea or discharge, coughs or sneezes in the morning then I found him very weak in the morning when I wrapped him in a towel and he died within the hour.
Tonight when I came home from a late shift something made me go and check them and I found his hutch mate (almost 2yrs) dead too. The only concern I had with him was a slight squint in his right eye which I was going to address with a vet tomorrow now the bank holiday weekend is over.
He was also eating fine, no other signs of illness.
What on earth could’ve caused this to happen and how do I protect the remaining piggy? He has always been the strongest of the bunch and seems happy as Larry tonight but so did the others!
Thanks in advance
2 weeks ago one of our 4 piggies died suddenly, no sign of illness or injury, had been fine the day before and was found dead in the morning.
We cleaned the hutch out and were debating getting his hutch mate a new friend.
On Sunday, his brother (both just turned 1) died in the same circumstances. Seemed perfectly healthy, eating fine, no diarrhoea or discharge, coughs or sneezes in the morning then I found him very weak in the morning when I wrapped him in a towel and he died within the hour.
Tonight when I came home from a late shift something made me go and check them and I found his hutch mate (almost 2yrs) dead too. The only concern I had with him was a slight squint in his right eye which I was going to address with a vet tomorrow now the bank holiday weekend is over.
He was also eating fine, no other signs of illness.
What on earth could’ve caused this to happen and how do I protect the remaining piggy? He has always been the strongest of the bunch and seems happy as Larry tonight but so did the others!
Thanks in advance