3 males living together


New Born Pup
Mar 9, 2025
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I am new to the guinea pig scene but me and my girlfriend recently got our first guinea pigs. Awkwardly we ended up with 3 males. When we went to the shop there were 3 living in the cage together and we believe that they have been since birth. However I am not sure if they are all brothers.

We have only had them two days but I am just a little concerned that they might not get along. They pur a lot of seem to be doing a lot of actions that would be considered dominance behaviours. As I am new to this I am hopeful that they will be fine but I wanted to enquire.

I do believe that the cage we have may be 2 small for 3 males however they are still quite small and we will definitely look to get something bigger. We have the deep last 120 cage as it was the biggest 1 floor cage in the shop. I'm now thinking I'll have to make a bigger c&c cage however I don't know if it's a good idea to keep them together. Any advice is welcome.

Hi I have 3 brothers nearly 8 months old one of them has recently started teeth chattering and will not tolerate one of his brothers as soon as he goes near him he runs to him and they try to fight with their teeth chattering although they both get along with the third pig I keep finding one of them hiding away behind boxes or in his loft I’ve been putting him a run with the pig he he gets on with then putting him in a run by himself I’ve temporarily put a couple of grids to split them so they can still see and talk to each other just today and will try and mix them again next week I don’t know why they’ve stated to fight all if a sudden !
I’m so sorry to tell you that a juvenile boar trio is extremely unlikely to work. They can’t help it. Their teenage hormones have kicked in. The best advice we can give you is to work out which pair get on best, keep them together and separate the third boar. In the short term he can live next door to the others for company while you work out a longer term plan.
I’ll link the relevant guides for you here

Boars, sows or mixed pairs; babies or adults?

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars

Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Welcome to the forum

I agree with Vicki.
Sadly a boar trio is very unstable and most don’t make it together long term. They find it hard to make a functioning hierarchy with three of them and boars really should only be kept in pairs.

Now you have separated them, please do not reintroduce them next week. Please keep them separated as a functioning pair and a single permanently. I know it’s not the news you would want but they will be much happier to not be together.
Hi @Clairebear1,
Indeed, most boar trios don't work. good luck if you can get your boar trio to work, they are truthfully the best group if you can get it to work.
i was one of the lucky ones who had a working boar trio, very sweet trio.
Good luck 🤞