3 Males, 9 Months Apprx

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New Born Pup
Aug 11, 2015
Reaction score
West Sussex, UK
I will say first off, I have thoroughly read the topics on bonding and behaviour, bullying, boars and almost everything else that's stickied in this section of the forum.
Hi all, I've been quiet on here lately though since Christmas my boys have been increasingly volatile with one another. I'm finding it really hard to work out who is starting the problems, but it seems like Peanut is now the underboar in my trio. There has been a fair amount of aggression and LOADS of frantic chasing. Every morning I have to return half the wood shavings to the cage from my bedroom floor, and have left them to it for the most part, with 2 or 3 instances where I've used a towel to separate them during the night. Each time I inspected all pigs and saw nothing amiss. Yesterday evening after work I took Peanut out for some extra love as he's been spending almost all of his time hiding and I'm wary of bullying. As I stroked him (short haired crested) quite a lot of hair came out with small bits of skin attached. It was really awful and I have been really worried about removing him prematurely and damaging their progress together. After close inspection on his rump I've found lots of small red marks that look like bites. I've looked carefully and the others have nothing even similar anywhere on them. Last night I luckily found a person willing to sell me a 100x60cm cage for him as after seeing these marks combined with his quieter and more depressed attitude I am very concerned! When I separated him (cage placed alongside the main c&h) he squeaked and sniffed his mates through the bars. I'm worried that there's a possibility of him having mites or something similar, but the others have nothing similar on them, and he has had spot on type stuff specifically bought when they went into the run first off. I can add some photos but it isn't easy to show. It looks like there are older healing marks of the same size, and he doesn't scratch more than is normal for an animal.

Is removing him better? Or have I ruined their bond now? I've left it as long as I could, but I'm really concerned about these bites, some are open and some are old. If I mount his new cage on top of my c&c 4x2, will it be close enough to stop him being lonely? Luckily he is my friendliest cuddle loving pig. I'm hoping he will gain weight as he's now the thinnest and his coat is duller and patchy. Poor little guy.
You have made the right decision in separating, as we have had cases where it turned out to be bites and not mites. With trios it is always a toss up whether you end up with one dominant boar waging war on the other two or two ganging up on the third, which is the scenario you are dealing with.

Unfortunately for you, it means the end of line. Sub-adult boar trios only have got a change of about 10% of making it without a split at some point. You have done what you could and you have certainly given them a good run for your money! :(

Please have him vet checked to be on the safe side and keep an eye on all those bites in case they abscess in the next weeks.
Thanks for replying so quickly! I'm glad to hear this wasn't a huge mistake. I will have him checked as soon as I can, and will keep a very close eye on the marks.
Do you think moving his cage on top of the c&c, supported with roof bars would be nice enough living arrangements for Peanut? I really haven't enough space for another cage at ground level, the pigs have more room than me now! (Not their fault I know) putting him on top would let him squeak to his chums but does he need to see them to prevent loneliness?

I want him to have an enjoyable life too, and not be 'just ok' if you follow my meaning
Well you understood the risks and tried the best you could, so I can respect that. But yeah the chances of more than two boars working out are just so incredibly slim :/ it's just not natural behavior for them.

Is there anyway you can fit him a buddy up top? Although he can maybe hear squeaks from below, that'll definitely be the best way to prevent loneliness. But if not, I think seeing is always better than hearing. And same goes for touching. Actually having a friend there you can nuzzle and cuddle is always better as well.

Best of luck to you and your pigs :)
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