3 is the magic number?


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 18, 2022
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Hi I’d really like a new piggy. I had one pass away nearly 2 years ago now I miss her every day and I don’t think I’ll ever get over it fully. So whilst all that was going on my other pig was on her own a lot and wasn’t her usual cheeky self. I got my newest girl I think about 10 days after her death (unwanted at the time because it felt like a betrayal to my dead baby). All went well and were a happy piggy household again but one of my girls has heart disease that will lead to heart failure. So recently I’ve been thinking a lot about getting another pig just incase the worst happens and one gets left alone again. I would like a boy pig as I’ve never had one. I always look at the piggys in p@h and want to run off with 2 but I know that would be silly I’ve been down the p@h route and was never out of the vets. Sorry for waffling I just wanted to add some background but my main question is-
I don’t no where to start or look? where can I get a boy Guinea pig on his own happy to live with females in the Manchester area? I don’t want a tiny baby. Thanks
Contact a rescue centre on our list (Linked below).
Rescuing from an approved rescue will guarantee that any boar is healthy, neutered, six week post neuter safe and that you will be able to date your girls with him to ensure that they are all compatible and that your girls will accept him (so to not risk a failed bonding and then needing separate cages)

Adding a neutered boar to a bonded pair of sows can have a much better chance of working out than adding a single sow a bonded pair of sows.

Also, ensure your cage is big enough for three - that is 180x60cm or a 5x2 c&c.

Guinea pig forum recommended rescues
Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?
Thankyou. Big news I’ve been in contact with the rspca about a pig I fell in love with online this morning and I’ve ordered a bigger 6x2 cage and omg it seems to be happening. I may have a new neutered beautiful boy pig very soon! I think this is the most exited I’ve been since I got my first pigs
All the best! I hope that he works out with your girls. The big hurdle is acceptance during all stages of the ca. 2 weeks complex bonding process, which can fail at any stage.

Here is our step-by-step bonding guide with plenty of pictures and videos and our mixed pairs guide; the information in the latter also applies largely to a 1 boar - 2 sows combo. You may find it helpful.
A Closer Look At Pairs (Boars - Sows - Mixed)
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics

PS: I currently have 5 husboar and two wives combos. Mutual liking and initial acceptance are crucial. Sows become generally less accepting the older the get and the less of a biological urge they have (they never lose the ability to fall pregnant, though), so finding the right personality match is all important and come long before looks, age or gender.