3 girls and a boar


New Born Pup
Aug 12, 2020
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United Kingdom
I have three girls that happily live together and I would like to adopt a boar. How much space should I provide and is there any risk they might fall out or can the dynamic of the group change at all? I don't want to bring in a boar if they might fall out as I won't be able to separate them.
I believe a 2x6 c&c or 7ft cage is the size needed for 3+1. It would be best if you could take them dating to choose a boar themselves, if possible. If one doesn’t accept him then you would be stuck.
Hiya, you have females, is the boar needing to be neutered?
Yes, definitely neutered, I don't want any baby piggies!
I hope you find the perfect boar, have you got any local rescue centres near by? Glad you don’t want babies lol
I have three girls that happily live together and I would like to adopt a boar. How much space should I provide and is there any risk they might fall out or can the dynamic of the group change at all? I don't want to bring in a boar if they might fall out as I won't be able to separate them.

Hi and welcome

The big hurdle with sow bonding is initial acceptance and then the rest of the two weeks group setting up bonding process. If you can find a rescue within your reach that offer dating, then acceptance will happen at the rescue; it is never a guarantee - generally the less the older the sows. Age is less important than mutual liking. Once in, fall-outs with husboars are extremely rare; we haven't soon more than a handful at the most in the 15 years of our forum existence with literally thousands of piggies and tens of thousands of enquiries.

If you have a rather dominant top sow or a sow with major fear-aggression issues, then a submissive younger boar will be your best bet - but you can never tell whether what is a perfect match on paper with actually work when face to face in the bonding pen...

I've successfully bonded boars between 5 months (about as young as they get past their 6 weeks post-op safety wait) and 5-6 years of age and anything in between. It is the personality match that carries the day. I have also a number of boar-proof sows and sow groups - and not for lack of trying.

You will need a minimum of 2x6 feet one floor space in a traditional cage or hutch or 2x6 or 3x4 C&C grids; but ideally more. Please be aware that any extra space on another level doesn't count.
When contacting rescues, please be patient if necessary try again. They are all run on a volunteering base (including the RSPCA and the Blue Cross as well as any private home-run rescues) and usually on top of a day job. Emergencies and life saving care of of ill piggies always takes precendence to any admin work. As all rescues are full to max (but not necessarily with piggies yet ready for adoption), things are usually hectic.

Here is more in-depth information on particular aspects, which you may find helpful:
- More about rescue dating: Rescues (Adoption and Dating), Shops, Breeders or Online? - What to consider when getting guinea pigs
- Our list of carefully vetted and recommended guinea pig rescues: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/guinea-pig-forum-recommended-rescues.196734/

- The information in the mixed pairs chapter also applies to groups with a neutered boar: A Closer Look At Pairs (Boars - Sows - Mixed)
- Our detailed bonding guide, which also covers the 2 weeks post-intro group establishment dominance phase: Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
- There will be lots of new/different behaviours and dynamics: A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours

- Here is the access link to our full information resource on a wide range of topics where all the above guides are part of. You may want to bookmark the link, browse, read and re-read at need: Comprehensive Owners' Practical and Supportive Information Collection

All the best! A group with a 'husboar' is a thing of joy. I am a total fan and have/have had a string of them; my first very own piggy 40 years ago was one and I have come back to them as an adult.
I believe a 2x6 c&c or 7ft cage is the size needed for 3+1. It would be best if you could take them dating to choose a boar themselves, if possible. If one doesn’t accept him then you would be stuck.
Currently I have a 7x3 for my three girls so technically there is space. I am concerned they might not bond, and I don't want to separate them... sounds complicated since they all live happily together.
Currently I have a 7x3 for my three girls so technically there is space. I am concerned they might not bond, and I don't want to separate them... sounds complicated since they all live happily together.
Your best bet is to take them to a rescue where they can meet and decide on a boar themselves. As said above, it’s all about personality compatibility. There’s no harm giving it a go though.
Currently I have a 7x3 for my three girls so technically there is space. I am concerned they might not bond, and I don't want to separate them... sounds complicated since they all live happily together.

That is plenty of space.

The best way forward is dating your girls at an experienced rescue as yopu copme home with a 'husboar' only if the intro has been a success and you also have the rescue to fall back on in case there are problems.

Please take the time to read the information links in my last post. You will find them very helpful as you'll get a much better idea.

When bringing a dated piggy home after a speed dating session, please do so in a separate carrier in case one of the piggies panics during the drive and a fight in a cramped space ensues.
Re-introduce them on neutral ground outside their cage initially to make sure that all is well before moving them into the cage when they have settled down together well.
Travelling with guinea pigs
That is plenty of space.

The best way forward is dating your girls at an experienced rescue. Please take the time to read the information links in my last post. You will find them very helpful as you'll get a much better idea.
I will, thank you! 😊