Junior Guinea Pig
We've got 3 little sister piggies, they're about 3 months old now, one is very happy sitting on my youngest daughters lap, she sings to her quietly and her little piggy dozes off. My piggy hates being picked up, she's happy running around the floor, or in the cage is always the first one to grab the food, either out of my hand or the bowl, and is quite happy to investigate when I'm cleaning the cage around her. The other one just never wants to sit still, she's not happy about being picked up, but she's not really angry about it. The thing is she'll never sit still long because she just loves exploring.
So 2 questions, should I persevere with mine who doesn't like beine picked up, i'm quite happy to just let her wander round and love it when she sits at the bars chatting to me when i'm in the room. For the one who doesn't like to sit still, is that partly because she's still little, will she still for longer as she gets older?
So 2 questions, should I persevere with mine who doesn't like beine picked up, i'm quite happy to just let her wander round and love it when she sits at the bars chatting to me when i'm in the room. For the one who doesn't like to sit still, is that partly because she's still little, will she still for longer as she gets older?