3 boars together?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 14, 2010
Reaction score
Bridgend, South Wales
I did ask this in the section above and wasn't sure if i should've or not!

So i'll ask again.

I've got 2 2 year old boars already but was looking at adopting another young boar. I know its all down to personality and space as to how they get on, but i'd like people's opinions on putting a young boar with my boys (who are both very sweet and docile with eachother)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)
If they are happy I would be tempted to leave them be.
It could work but it could also cause problems in the lovely relationship your two older boars already have. I've got a group of four boars, that consists of an older boar and three youngsters. They were put together when the three brothers were just a few weeks old and even though they are now heading towards four months of age all is still going really well, with no signs of aggression.
The only time I've managed three adult males together happily it's been father and his sons all together since they were babies, and my favourite group of boys were 3 old boys that met at 2-3 years of age, they were just so chilled out with each other it was adorable. So it can work, sometimes.

It will be interesting to hear some other views on this so thanks for starting the thread.

It can work - but I wouldn't even consider it if you already have a happy pair. You could end up with 3 single pigs, so you have to think whether you have room for that too!

I ended up with 3 single boars when I didn't know any better - 2 were fine (young boars) but adding the 3rd made even the original pair fall out and they had to all be kept separately until they found other friends later on.

If you're two are happy - I say, if it aint' broke, don't fix it! :)

It al' depends but id give it ago.

I had a cage of 3 and added one of our babies and they chased him around for abit then was fine, we then lost on and got another young one to go in and they were fine.

The 4 of them are ****. Together now

:) x
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