2nd Hand Items

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 17, 2016
Reaction score
There was a bag of items that came with my cage when I bought it and I'm now sorting them out. Some things I've already binned and somethings I'm unsure about but as my piggies might be arriving next week I might need to get organised.

It has come with 3 size water bottles. It is worth cleaning and using them or buying new? What size is best? And how would I clean them?

Are the little log bridges cleanable or should I just bin those and get new?

There is also a plastic ball with a bell in and a little Kong. Do piggies play with these?

Sorry for all the questions. There will probably be a dozen threads from me by the end of the day
The pigs may or may not play with a ball and bell, you could certainly try.
If the water bottles are used I would get new ones, often it is hard to scrub the books and crannies and you don't know if you will have problems with them leaking, they would do in a pinch but since you have the time I would get a new water bottle. The glass ones hold up well for me
Thanks for the advice. I will have a look at new water bottles. Do they share one?
It's best to have one of everything (water bottle, food bowl, hidey etc) per pig. This way they are never forced to interact (say they both wanted a drink and there's only one bottle) also with one bottle you run the risk of your dominant pig napping under/in front of it thus preventing the other from drinking
I would go for Sippy bottles, having not made good experiences with water bottles (they leak very quickly with me), but as there is no ideal bottle yet, it is rather a matter of trial and error. 300ml bottles are usually fine for guinea pigs. I would always have two for a pair of boars; the same goes for hideys, bowls etc.

If necessary, scrub any dirty any wooden tunnels and huts, dunk them in a disinfectant/water solution and let them dry.
Thank you all, that is great advice. I will go and look at what sippy bottles are and get a couple.
They look good. What is the difference between a bottle and sippy?
They look good. What is the difference between a bottle and sippy?

Sippy is a brand name. The plastic is firmer and thicker, which slows down the build-up of algae. The nozzle is different and does not rely on you creating a vacuum. Pets at home now have Sippy bottles in stock, if you are in the UK.
Yes I am, thank you for that. I wasn't expecting the water bottles to be this complicated
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