2 Sows Enter, 2 Friends Leave?

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New Born Pup
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
Portland, OR, USA
I've been witnessing a very interesting pairing! We're going on 48 hours together tonight. Two sows, one a resident of our home and another a healthy young lady. Both are similar in age (1 year) and demeanor (pacifist, very sweet).

At first, they were going through the regular motions; rumblestrutting, mounting, chattering, yawning, nose-offs, chasing, butt sniffing (and licking), power grooming, mutual grooming, laying next to each other, etc. Over the hours, aggressions dwindled and there was much happiness and play with the occasional dominance dance disrupting their fun times.

Last night, the new alpha kept rumblestrutting every couple hours while the other would follow happily behind like it was a game. Later, we each held one in our laps sitting next to each other. The follower was distressed that she wasn't close to her new friend, started whining, and climbed on my lap to snuggle her new alpha. They both cuddled in my lap, except that the follower kept whining for awhile until she started to fall asleep.

Now she's been whining when the alpha comes to bug her under her blanket and the rumblestrutting hasn't stopped. It's still every couple hours.

Are we on the right track? Is this a normal adjustment period?
Seems normal to me - took over a week to bond my Bumble with his 2 sows and it was an absolute nightmare - lay awake at night regretting putting them all together the girls sounded so distressed - they are all happy piggies now though.
It sounds normal to me. Dominance displays can be ongoing. It takes time. With sows I also notice a periodic flareup at times depending on hormones (sows in heat can be temperamental. My husband call it 'guinea pig PMS.')
How crazy! At least it's entertaining and nobody is hurt.

I noticed that our resident guinea pig whines no matter what right now. If she's in the cage with her friend, in the cage alone, on our lap alone, on our lap with her new friend... whine whine whine...! I'm hoping it's a combination of the new friendship and being in heat.
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