2 sows, 1 on heat, 1 very upset.

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Jan 14, 2012
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This is my first post on here, so here goes...

I have 2 sows, and while one (Mochi) seems to be exhibiting the behaviour of being on heat (chasing the other, trying to mount her from behind, climbing over and around her), the other one (Nori) doesn't like this at all. She runs off from Mochi and makes her distressed squeal, getting louder when Mochi tries to mount her. The squealing is getting quite regular and loud though (causing them to wake me up!) Is it worth putting a divide between them for a while until Mochi gets over her little phase? It seems different and more regular and intense than the usual dominance behaviour. Nori seems to be getting quite stressed out about it all.

And just to confirm, they're both definitely sows, so no chance of any new members to the family.
I used to have two sows who needed a barrier in the middle if their cage to separate them for a few hours when one came on heat. I had two boxes that were just the right size to do this - it wasn't that secure but seemed to work to quiten them down. They say that a neutered boar can sometimes help with this but mine at the time used to just hide when the women got uppity :).

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