2 Or 3?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 18, 2014
Reaction score
Dunstable, UK
Assuming plenty of space, what would be best for the guinea pigs, a pair or a trio?
It all depends on whether you want male or female. Females are a lot easier to keep together given the right space etc but males are notoriously bad for fighting in pairs and trio's. A pair of boars is much safe than a trio of boars but personally if you want a trio I would go for the ladies. Welcome to the forum :)
Welcome to the forum. I've heard that a lot of pet shops are selling boars in trios nowadays - the problem being they are youngsters when for sale and its when they get a bit older and the hormones start kicking in that problems start.
In any situation where there a 3 guinea pigs - there is a risk of 2's company , 3's a crowd. But as @Flutterby has said, if you want a trio, girls are a better choice.
Another option to consider is 1 male and 2 females - but, naturally, in this case either the male will need to be neutered or the females spayed.
I have a trio - a neutered male (Max) and 2 females. This came about because Max was on his own and I wanted to find him a companion (or 2). I was strongly advised to ensure that, if I was to pair him with 2 females, the females should be compatible with each other a well as with Max. I was able to take Max to a Rescue who supervised the introductions and he came home with Bess and Sparkle.
it depends if you want girls or boys, for instance females ppb would be more excepting of 3 and males are better off with jsut 2 that being said tho there is the case that if you got three then 2 of them might bond and exclude the other but again you never know.
I see lots of people keeping 3 together, so I just wondered which the guinea pigs preferred. I will probably get females anyway.
Yeah it's mainly down to the sex of the guinea pigs.

If you're planning on getting females, a trio could work with enough space. :)

Good luck!
I have a trio, I rescued 2 girls, one was pregnant, she had a single boy. We got him done when he was old enough, he now lives happily with the girls. ;)
Trios are the most trickiest combination of piggies to get right. They are great when they work, but also very vulnerable to a 2+1 outsider situation. We generally recommend to go from two to four sows if possible; with merging two bonded pairs or by creating a neutered boar/3 sows minigroup you can avoid having to get the balance of personalities just right, especially if you are just starting out with piggies.

If you really want to go for a trio, then a neutered boar + two already bonded sows grouping is the safest options. With three sows, you ideally want two laid back/non-dominant ones in the mix.

Boars are best kept as couples. Baby boar trios have a fall-out rate of ca. 90% before they reach a horminally more settled adulthood. Boar trios can work, but more often than not they don't, even with adult boars in the mix! Boar quartets are even more unstable than trios.

If you can, please get your piggies from one of our good standard piggy savvy rescues where character compatibility can be taken into account. You also won't have to worry about about potential pregnancies; sows can get pregnant from 4 weeks onwards, boars can start as early as 3 weeks!

Here is more about the pros and cons of various groupings: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/boars-sows-or-mixed-pairs-babies-or-adults.108944/
Another reason to consider more than 2 is if one passes on your not left with a lonely pig and in the situation where you need to find a friend. x
In have a trio of sows and I haven't had any problems with them or seen one getting kicked out or picked on. Maybe it will happen in the future I had the two of them for a month or so and got a third. They've all been together now for over a month I think. But if I feel one is getting picked on in the future I will have to find a solution and I'm prepared to do so, so you have to think about that also and what you will do should it happen.

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