2 fighting boars - any advice appreciated


New Born Pup
Jan 27, 2024
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I am new to this forum and would love some advice.
I got my 2 lovely boys in October last year. When they reached maturity they began to fight (for context they are now about 7 months old). Ernie in particular is instigating fights with Milo, who had an awful lot of fur pulled out of him, the poor boy.
As per recommendation by my local vets, I had them both neutered. I know not everyone agrees with this line, but please remember I was following the advice of veterinary professionals.
After this, things got better for a while. They were separated whilst recovering from their little op, so as to ensure they didn’t reopen their wounds if they fought. Once fully recovered we began the reintroduction process and things were going okay. However, they since then the fighting has returned.
They have a 4x2 C&C cage with two 1x2 lofts on either end so space is not the issue. They also have 2 water bottles, 2 feed bowls and multiple sources of hay. They have 2 of the same hideys because they both liked the one I had, so I got another to try and reduce fighting over hide space.
Last night I had to separate one of them into their playpen because they had a nasty fight.
I’m at the point where I’m thinking this is just a personality conflict and it isn’t going to get better which is heartbreaking.
I cannot bear the thought of rehoming one of them, so my next thought is to create a two tiered cage setup and split them onto different levels with a new friend each (extravagant I know, but I love them too much to rehome if I can help it!). I cannot split their cage in two and keep them side by side because I do not have the floor space necessary for this, as I believe I would need a 6x2 cage for them to have the room they need for their zoomies.
My question is, would getting them each a girlfriend in their own separate cages work? Do boys get along better with girls? They are neutered so babies are not a worry.
Sorry for the rambling but I really need some advice, and wanted all the info out there!
Welcome and I’m sorry to hear this.

Their bond sadly is broken and was after their very first fight, before they were neutered.
It absolutely is a character clash and they won’t change their minds. The neutering will never have made any long term difference to their ability to have a successful bond but it does now mean you have the option already available for them to have a sow each.

A 4x2 is minimum size for a boar pair so while it isn’t a cage which is definitely too small, it’s always better to go even bigger with boars. However no amount of space will ever fix an incompatibility and failing/failed relationship.
(5x2 c&c on a single level being the recommended size for a boar pair. lofts don’t count towards the cage size and can in some cases (particularly with that of teen boars) cause a bit of a problem with territories).

So yes, they can both have a sow friend each. A boar/sow bond does tend to be more stable for the long term but it does still come down to character compatibility and finding the right sow is key.
If you can speak to a rescue centre so they can help find a suitable companion for each, then living one pair upstairs and one pair downstairs is the perfect solution.
I am new to this forum and would love some advice.
I got my 2 lovely boys in October last year. When they reached maturity they began to fight (for context they are now about 7 months old). Ernie in particular is instigating fights with Milo, who had an awful lot of fur pulled out of him, the poor boy.
As per recommendation by my local vets, I had them both neutered. I know not everyone agrees with this line, but please remember I was following the advice of veterinary professionals.
After this, things got better for a while. They were separated whilst recovering from their little op, so as to ensure they didn’t reopen their wounds if they fought. Once fully recovered we began the reintroduction process and things were going okay. However, they since then the fighting has returned.
They have a 4x2 C&C cage with two 1x2 lofts on either end so space is not the issue. They also have 2 water bottles, 2 feed bowls and multiple sources of hay. They have 2 of the same hideys because they both liked the one I had, so I got another to try and reduce fighting over hide space.
Last night I had to separate one of them into their playpen because they had a nasty fight.
I’m at the point where I’m thinking this is just a personality conflict and it isn’t going to get better which is heartbreaking.
I cannot bear the thought of rehoming one of them, so my next thought is to create a two tiered cage setup and split them onto different levels with a new friend each (extravagant I know, but I love them too much to rehome if I can help it!). I cannot split their cage in two and keep them side by side because I do not have the floor space necessary for this, as I believe I would need a 6x2 cage for them to have the room they need for their zoomies.
My question is, would getting them each a girlfriend in their own separate cages work? Do boys get along better with girls? They are neutered so babies are not a worry.
Sorry for the rambling but I really need some advice, and wanted all the info out there!


Splitting your two neutered boars horizontally to live on top of each other with a sow each is indeed the best option. The big hurdle with cross gender bonding is initial acceptance but once bonded, fall-outs are extremely rare. You will still need a personality match, though; especially the older a sow is.

Here is some more helpful in-depth information in what to expect and what to look out for:
A Closer Look At Pairs (Boars - Sows - Mixed)
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)

You can consider using a 75 x 150 cm table (I have Ikea linnmon tables ) for the top cage that fits into the footprint of the other cage so is plent of light and space for you to clean the bottom table. I simply gently lift the table with my should to remove any bedding or put fresh one in place. Please be aware that 2x4 cages are the very minimal space and that some rescues may ask for more. My hub has extended those cages to a 2x5 and a 2x7 grid cage now.