2 boars, HELP


New Born Pup
Jan 2, 2022
Reaction score
United kingdom
I have a large hutch from PAH, it's for summer but during winter we keep keep in a 120cm by 20ishcm, I keep wanting to get am extension but my father replies "They'll be going out to their hutch soon." I switch up the set up alot so their not bored and have a storage bin (small) for their treats, my parents are divorces so I go back and forth so I can't see them everyday. I want to treat them better but don't know how.
I'm so sorry you're in this situation. 120cm x 20cm is way too small for two boys. They should have at least 150cm x 60cm but 180cm x 60cm is strongly recommended. Is it possible for you to save up some money to buy a bigger cage yourself? C&C cages can be good cheap options. You can usually get the grids on Amazon for a fairly decent price (you just need to make sure that they are 9x9 grids, not 8x8). As for the chloroplast, sometimes you can get a cheap sheet from a local store. Even a waterproof shower curtain would work.
Best of luck to you and your piggies, I hope you can manage to get them a bigger cage.

How old are your piggies?

As above, boars need a hutch and an indoor cage (if they are coming indoors) of ideally 180x60cm but no smaller than 150x60cm.
There are no commercial indoor cages which come to that size. The biggest is the ferplast plaza at 160x60cm (this would be fine as an indoor cage). The only way to give them enough room during winter is either the ferplast plaza or by getting them a c&c cage.

A boar pair really do need lots of room as too small of a cage can damage their relationship and if they fall out, they would then need to be separated and live in two separate side by side cages.

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Cage Size Guide
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As long as your parent looks after them well while you are at your other parents house it’s fine you are not there everyday. They sound like they are very much loved by you. Do they get lots of hay? That’s good enrichment for them. Could you add a playpen onto the side of their cage somehow to give them some extra space?
Are you sure on those measurements? 20cm is very, very narrow and I don't think I have every seen a cage that narrow. As a comparison an a4 sheet of paper has a width of 21cm. 50-60cm is usually a standard width for cages.