2 Boars Fighting After A Year

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New Born Pup
Sep 9, 2016
Reaction score
belfast, northern ireland
Hi there

I've had two male GPs (one black; one white) for the last year. They've lived together with the normal dominance (mounting, rumble strutting etc). They were always close and lay beside each other on the sofa etc. No issues at all!

We recently got a third male GP (grey). After the quarantine period, we introduced the new one to the other two. Now, the older two were not happy at all! The white one became aggressive and lunged at the black one. The white one started yawning to show his teeth and chattering at the black one. It all became rather heated and the white one bit the black one on the bum. The black one retorted and bit the white one on the cheek. We separated them and put my new baby (grey) with the black one as they got on perfectly. To be fair, the white and grey ones (introduced separately at a later date) also get on well (just the normal mounting stuff).

Now, my question is: what can I do to reunite the two older ones (black & white). They lived together so well before the new one came but now when the white one sees the black one he gets aggressive and chatters/shows his teeth. I held the white one to the cage where my black one is staying and he automatically started becoming aggressive. I reallydon't want to have one living separately! I wish they could all get along again.

Would a buddy bath be a good idea for my older two? Or do you think that it might backfire as well?

Thanks for all help!
I'll point you in the direction of these two threads that may give you a better insight into Boar's and bonding.
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

I would suggest being prepare that you will have to possibly go boar dating if everything fails. If you could update your profile to show where you are from would help us give you the best advice. http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/...untry-location-and-creating-an-avatar.107444/
(there is a rescue locator at the top of the forum that you can use)
Hi and welcome!

It seems to me that when you bought in the baby one It caused the trouble. It is possible to reunite boars but only after months... Are you 100% sure that the baby is a male? Where did you get the baby (eg. pet shop, rescue etc)
Hi there

Thanks for the comments so far guys! I'll read through the links provided and see what I can do.

The baby is definitely a male and I got him from a pet shop (there are no rescues in my area at all - I'm based in Northern Ireland).

The baby sparked off the issue but he gets on well with both!

Thanks again. We just want them all to be happy!
I was asking about the baby encase you were not sure and could actually be a female which would normally get the boars to fight.
They're both just over a year. I'm not sure of the exact age but I got the black on in August 2015 and the white one in September 2015. They've been together ever since.
They're both just over a year. I'm not sure of the exact age but I got the black on in August 2015 and the white one in September 2015. They've been together ever since.

Hi! Adding a third boar to a couple can seriously derail their relationship, even more so when all three boys are still in the teenage hormones. At the worst, you can end up with three single boars - and we have seen that happening.

Please try to see whether the two will settle down back together, or if that doesn't work, try to make one pair and then find a new friend for the third boar, but keep them in pairs.
Boar trios very rarely work. Boars are probably either better off in pairs. Or 1 boar in with sows. If there have been bites the pair will probably never go back together without fighting. I'm sorry this has happened and hope you find a solution soon.
Thanks. I didn't think that it would have been such a difficult task to get all 3 of them together. I'll be on the look out for another small one to accompany the white one anyway!

I might try the buddy bath just to see but if that doesn't work then I'll have no other option.

Thanks again guys.
Thanks. I didn't think that it would have been such a difficult task to get all 3 of them together. I'll be on the look out for another small one to accompany the white one anyway!

I might try the buddy bath just to see but if that doesn't work then I'll have no other option.

Thanks again guys.

Leave your boys to cool down first. No re-bonding will work out while tempers are still hot!

Please follow the tips in the links you have been given. Hopefully there is one couple in your three boys, in whichever combination. ;)
The baby one bonded well with both of the others. I already have a pair - there are two potential combinations already. The only thing I'm worried about is the older two bonding again. They're old friends after all!
Just don't do anything hasty. You have to allow time for them to properly calm down and forget the upset and fight/biting before you attempt any introductions again. Please follow @Wiebke's advice.
Thanks. I didn't think that it would have been such a difficult task to get all 3 of them together. I'll be on the look out for another small one to accompany the white one anyway!

I might try the buddy bath just to see but if that doesn't work then I'll have no other option.

Thanks again guys.

Just give your boys time to settle their tempers. Don't rush right now!
I would be tempted to leave the baby with one and find a new friend for the other older one.If you get a baby to put with the baby they will hit the hormonal stage again and you could have fights.Boar trios very rarely work.
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