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1st case of lice!

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EEK! I think i've just seen my 1st case of lice in Bella!
It's making me itch just thinking about it! I really can't stand maggots and these things are like minature versions! I've just ordered some Lice and Easy but was wondering if anybody could advise:-
1) Best way to eradicate problem, if possible?
2) Do the lice live in anything else apart from the guinea pig, such as furniture? (Mine live indoors)
3) Can the lice pass to humans or cats?

Thank you...i'm just off to check my hair lol!

Claire x
There more like a whitish colour, perhaps not lice then?
Bellas black so you can notice them more. I'm presuming the other two would have them aswell, just not so easy to spot!
Never had the white ones. The black ones yes. The shampoo from GG will work I,m sure :)
They're white thin things that are at the base of the hair near to the skin. They appear to be moving, although that could be me moving the hair!
Yep they're running lice! Lice n easy is perfect to use, make sure you do the first treatment then the follow up treatment - it's easy to see the results immediately and think 'I won't bother doing the follow up' (yes I did that!) and they returned! I was scared of catching lice but they aren't interested in humans. They only get passed on to other guineas during prolonged contact, so any cage mates will be affected, you do need to treat them.
Another big thumbs up from me for lice n easy. It works a dream. I was tempted to use it on myself when one of the kids in my class had head lice...
Hello, just wanted to say thanks for the replies and the advice! :)
The 'Tweenies' have been bathed with 'Lice and Easy', their home is cleaned and fingers crossed those horrible little lice are gone!
Don't think the piggies were too impressed with the bath but they certainly smell very nice :smitten:
I'm not looking forward to the follow up treatment..I've been soaked by the little monkeys today! But it's got to be done! :)

Thanks again
Claire x
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