
Really? My girls would be stuffing their faces if it was warm enough. We don't talk about busy bees around here - our proverb is "as busy as a guinea pig on grass".
To be honest it took my lot a while to get the point of lawn time too.
Stick with it - he will work it out eventually!

And I am so envious of your grass.
We have gorgeous sunshine here, but the lawn looks very sad after being under snow for months.
I think we have a while before our piggies set foot back out on the lawn.
Really? My girls would be stuffing their faces if it was warm enough. We don't talk about busy bees around here - our proverb is "as busy as a guinea pig on grass".

It’s the first time he’s been outside, but it didn’t take long for him to work out what to do! Love the proverb...as it’s true!

To be honest it took my lot a while to get the point of lawn time too.
Stick with it - he will work it out eventually!

And I am so envious of your grass.
We have gorgeous sunshine here, but the lawn looks very sad after being under snow for months.
I think we have a while before our piggies set foot back out on the lawn.

Yeah, didn’t take him long to get it. Didn’t leave him out for too long, since it’s the first time he’s been outside. Hope your grass does recover.
Gorgeous Spud :)
My pigs (and me!) very jealous too, looked like my grass was recovering then the new couple I share a garden with keep letting their dog do it's business everywhere! Grr!
My grass looks nothing that verdant lawn. Mine is full of moss and needs treating when it next rains. Then I'll have to wait a while usually 2 or 3 mows before the organic lawn mowers get to work.