13 day old piggy bits my clothes, is he teething or something?

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Sep 16, 2007
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My cute little 13 day old pig keeps chewing and biting in my clothes, he is happy to fall asleep on me, poo on me and makes happy noises, he has attempted to nip my finger.
So is he teething or trying to suckle or is he just a naughty piggy?
If he is naughty >:D how can I stop him from nipping as I have step children.
Piggy does not have any parents and so I ma fostering him, very likely I am going to keep him.
At the moment I am the only person handling him, he will take food out of my hands.
Any advice would help.
Many Thanks
My boys do it and my eldest is 5 months. Not sure how it can be stopped maybe offering something to eat while being groomed?

We will all be holey before long! :D

Guinea pigs gnaw on things...thats just what they do! Offer him a willow stick or something like that that is suitable for piggies...www.pamperedpiggies.co.uk has lots of safe toys for piggies. Also, if he has floor time you need to watch out for anything dangerous that they will chew on..wires especially :)
He has toys to chew on but for some odd reason he prefers to chew on me...
He does not go on the floor yet but loves sitting on top of the PC in front of the monitor looking at me.
He must have some mountain goat blood in him, yesterday he spent most of the day running up my chest to my shoulder while I was sat on the sofa, scared that he may fall, I kept putting him back on my lap this went on for a few hours until, my arms were tired, from this exercise I am sure my "bat wings" will be gone by the time he is 6 weeks gone.
Mine used to do that when she was little. Like a little parrot snuggling into my hair while perching on my shoulder :smitten:
At 13 days old he is probably trying to say put me back in with mummy I need my milk ;)
awww poor piggy. He probably thinks you are his mommy. But I think all that chewing is normal...but what do I know I am new to this too.
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