Junior Guinea Pig
I currently have 2 seperate boars. My elderly boar Little Pig did not get on with the other (Baby Pig) after lots of different bonding techniques that eventually resulted in a serious fight. Little Pig has had serious health issues before xmas (bladder crystals/gut stasis/lump removal) and i am still trying to get some weight on him. He is un-neutered and i feel he is happy having his own space with lots of cuddle time. He does a lot of 'mini-popcorns' with just his head! There is no boar-dating very near to me and i don't want to go through the traumatic experience again especially as he is still frail.
Baby Pig is now 1year old and been neutered since last summer. I really want to get him a lady friend or 2 but i am unsure which would be best. I'm worried there will be fighting between 2 sows at some point even if they are sisters/bonded pair and i do not have space to house anymore separate piggies or the heart to return any if they don't get along! I feel 1 would be easier just because of numbers but there is plenty of room and love to go round if 2 sows would be more beneficial. I've never had sows, so not sure what to expect with fallings out! Thankyou in advance <3
Baby Pig is now 1year old and been neutered since last summer. I really want to get him a lady friend or 2 but i am unsure which would be best. I'm worried there will be fighting between 2 sows at some point even if they are sisters/bonded pair and i do not have space to house anymore separate piggies or the heart to return any if they don't get along! I feel 1 would be easier just because of numbers but there is plenty of room and love to go round if 2 sows would be more beneficial. I've never had sows, so not sure what to expect with fallings out! Thankyou in advance <3