1 Boar 2 Sows, Can I Go To Bed? :d

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 16, 2009
Reaction score
Gloucester, Gloucestershire
Hey all,

I'm introducing a lovely chappy to my lady pigs, the girls have been together a few months, Oxford my youngest, was about 10 weeks old when I adopted her, Tabby my eldest was about 5, they're now 5 months older (ish) and I have introduced, Bandit, very hansom neutered boy (its been 6 weeks so shhhooouuulldd be safe) he's about 14 months old, ish. I've got them together in a neutral zone, no fighting, but they aren't exactly -settled- yet, he's still mounting Oxford a lot, Tabby wont have any of it she's a grumpy old lady and isn't afraid to nip, but its not an all out fight and he tries for a little bit but quickly gets the point and backs off.

There's no real hackles up, tiniest bit of teeth chattering earlier (NOT clattering, it was just a soft sound) haven't heard much if any since, they're sleeping near each other but not keen on touching each other at all, No arguments over the food I put in, hay and some veg, they're comfortable enough to groom themselves in each others presence.
My concern is, can I leave them over night now? they have been in together since about 12pm today in the garden and in their neutral indoor zone.

Bandit is still attempting to mount both of them, mostly Oxford but considerably less, mostly they're just eating and sleeping. But I'm worried that it still has the potential to turn nasty and I don't want it to go bad while I'm sleeping and not be able to break the fight up.

Does it sound like they are getting on well enough now to leave them over night in the neutral zone?

I imagine most of you are probably asleep by now! Just wanted a second opinion really, I don't want to split them up because it seems to be going well, but, also nervous about going to bed!
Thanks :D

Edit: also, he tries to rumble strut while laying down, is that normal? It's kind of amusing but I'm wondering if he's getting TOO tired, he'll still get up and do stuff but occasionally he just rumble struts himself into laying down and carries on there.
Lol Wiebke :)

They sound like they are getting on well :D

We've got 7 boars and 3 sows (not all together!) the lads are a tad more nuts than what the girls are, we've got a boar that will rumble strut us lol.
I do love my boar he's such a funny chap, I'm so glad they haven't had a fight, particularly over night I was having horrifying thoughts that I was going to wake up to blood and fur everywhere, but instead they seemed fine, sleeping at opposite ends of their neutral zone but, they seem peaceful enough, they don't mind being near each other either, seem to be happy enough sitting together in a trio when they're eating, I just saw Bandit grooming Oxfords ear too, I presume that's a good thing? I'm not sure what to do about my grumpy old sow however, she seems to be more nippy than before, maybe she's just trying to assert that she's still boss pig (I'm not sure if she's still boss pig however)? I THINK she's accepted him however, they're laying together now and he rubbed his chin on her cheek with out getting mauled, but if he tries to go under her chin at all he'll get a warning nip so it seems semi reasonable at the moment.

With moving them to the cage, would it be worth taking the towel and fleece they are currently on and put that as the top couple of layers in their cage with the bigger clean fleece over the top? will that mean they are less likely to argue over new territory?
We think you will find that Tabby will be the head of the household, once things settle down. With our trio poor Ouzo is told in no uncertain terms who the boss is and it isn't him. :nod:

It does look like things are gelling well, as usually after a sleep things flare up again, so spending the night together sounds pretty good to us.. x
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