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1.5 y/o boar not eating hay?


New Born Pup
Apr 19, 2023
Reaction score
He eats everything else: lettuce, pepper, crunchy treats, and he started out taking herbivore critical care (I think he got sick of it after a bit, so we had to struggle). But he won't eat his hay! Any reasoning for this? I've tried a different hay, fresh new hay... I use oxbow tinothy meadow hay, and I gave him some oxbow botanical hay to see if he would eat that. This is the same hat he's been eating his whole life.
Has he been seen by a vet? The reasoning is often a medical one so you do need to rule that out first.
Have you switched from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weighing him daily each morning so you can monitor more closely?
What are the weight checks telling you?
How long has he not been eating hay?

Have you checked you aren’t over feeding other items?
He eats everything else: lettuce, pepper, crunchy treats, and he started out taking herbivore critical care (I think he got sick of it after a bit, so we had to struggle). But he won't eat his hay! Any reasoning for this? I've tried a different hay, fresh new hay... I use oxbow tinothy meadow hay, and I gave him some oxbow botanical hay to see if he would eat that. This is the same hat he's been eating his whole life.

I hope he starts eating hay again soon. Good luck at the vets.
Hello everyone. Apologies for no replies. He is peeing blood, and his abdomen seems gassy? Also not pooping. Speaking to a vet currently and giving critical care, antibiotic (I suspected UTI), ibuprofen. He's a very good boy. Hates me right now though.
Has he been seen by a vet? The reasoning is often a medical one so you do need to rule that out first.
Have you switched from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weighing him daily each morning so you can monitor more closely?
What are the weight checks telling you?
How long has he not been eating hay?

Have you checked you aren’t over feeding other items?
Talking to a vet right now (access is limited, regrettably) I am not overfeeding other foods, I'm about to weigh him (holding him at the moment, giving him a rest) and I'll see what it tells me. Has not been eating hay for a few days.
He eats everything else: lettuce, pepper, crunchy treats, and he started out taking herbivore critical care (I think he got sick of it after a bit, so we had to struggle). But he won't eat his hay! Any reasoning for this? I've tried a different hay, fresh new hay... I use oxbow tinothy meadow hay, and I gave him some oxbow botanical hay to see if he would eat that. This is the same hat he's been eating his whole life.
To clarify: started with not eating hay, and eventually less poops, is when we gave critical care. Then the blood, then the abdominal abnormalities.
I’m sorry to hear this

Please step in with daily weight checks and feeding as much critical care is necessary to keep his weight stable.

He will need antibiotics, gut meds and painkillers.
I would also advise xrays and checks to ensure there isn’t a bladder stone rather than assuming a UTI

I hope he is ok
