Teenage Guinea Pig
what happens to your pig if it eats a poisons plant ?!
My little bakewell ate a plant this morning dark green leaves with white lines a little bit like this every time she eats her food she paws at her mouth as if to say thats disgusting she stoped doing that now and shes fine just her usual self i can identify it to even see if it is poison's just need some one to tell me its name and whether its poison's and what the symptoms are so i can keep an eye on her Astrid x
My little bakewell ate a plant this morning dark green leaves with white lines a little bit like this every time she eats her food she paws at her mouth as if to say thats disgusting she stoped doing that now and shes fine just her usual self i can identify it to even see if it is poison's just need some one to tell me its name and whether its poison's and what the symptoms are so i can keep an eye on her Astrid x