
  1. TheOriginalBubble&Squeak

    Scabs and spots on my guinea pig....

    I regularly look at my long-haired guinea pigs coat, due to grooming them everyday and have recently come across these... I am a new guinea Piggie owner and so am very concerned and worried.... Can anybody help?
  2. LillyKormylo

    Petco Experience

    On May 4th I bought a baby male guinea pig from Petco. Which ended up being a mistake. I fell in love with him and named him Jelly (my other one is named Peanut-butter), he was the only one I’m his cage, and he looked so sad, I thought he could help my older guinea pig who just went through the...
  3. S


    My pig had to be put under anaesthesia (injection) for teeth trimming earlier today. The vet gave him to us before he woke up and didn't give him the "wake up shot" or whatever the technical term for it is and he has been asleep since, for around 7 hours now. He is breathing but doesn't react to...
  4. J

    Some sort of discharge, help

    I’m a New Guinea pig owner and I’ve had my boys for about 3 weeks. They are said to be 4 months and one relentlessly humps the others face. I understand this is to figure out the hierarchy, but today I put them in their new C&C cage and the “boss” pig started humping gus. When I lifted the hide...
  5. A

    My guinea pigs are outside and it just said unhealty air that’s reassuring!

    They have a hutch in the garage.Thankfully the door is closed but it has a hole in it were my old cat used to climb through.All i can hear is the wind and its 21mph I'm so nervous Help!
  6. Jesse's pigs

    Mo worrying pigmum again

    Hi guys (yet another post in the health and illness section regarding Mo). Yesterday, I noticed that several of the boys poos seemed softer than normal and smaller in size- I soon found the culprit to be Steve with Mo's poos still normal par a slightly smaller size (though they do tend to vary)...
  7. Frenchie12

    Male and female piggy bonding struggle- help!

    Hi guys, this is my first post so I hope it makes sense! I'm posting because I recently bought a female Abyssinian piggy to keep my male, Mckenzie, company. I adopted Mckenzie from pets at home when he was 6 months old and he's now about 8 months. He was kept alone with his first owners and...
  8. Natalia

    Bold Patches, Black Dots And Dandruff

    Hello, My guinea pig, Rikky, has a bold patch on his back. I have read online that it might be mites and to treat it ivermectim. I bought some from pets at home. The first treatment was three weeks ago, and it said on the box to re do it after 4 weeks. However his bold patch has not improved...