weight loss

  1. J

    Possibly poorly piggie - advice please?

    Hello all, Before I start, piggie has a vet appointment already but I’m just after some advice, and a general idea of what to expect… Izzie is 2 years old. We took her to the vet a couple of weeks ago due to a bald spot on her back, and on her side. She’s also gradually lost weight over the...
  2. coreyandminkus

    Refusing to eat hay, and poos connected by a string

    Last month, one of our senior Guinea pigs passed away, leaving our other boy without a cage mate. I’ve posted on local small animal rehoming groups to try and find another adult male to bond him with, but haven’t found anyone yet. I really want to get him a partner but till then we pay extra...
  3. Luca_jones

    Teeth filing down.

    Hello all, my sow squirrel is getting her teeth filed down on Friday at the vets under sedation. She’s struggling to eat as her teeth are wonky and her jaw is misaligned, so she’s lost some weight. I don’t know much about sedation, so does anybody have info/advice? I’m so worried for my girl...
  4. S

    Guinea pig down 60g in 1 week but acting fine otherwise

    Hello all, Long time lurker turned poster looking for any potential possibilities on what’s gone awry with my piggy. to prefix, I booked a vet appointment tomorrow but I am posting now just cause I am a bit worried My female guinea pig Kuma is a young 5 years old and before I went away on a...
  5. amandambyd

    Sick piggy, no diagnosis

    Hi, my Guinea pig (2yr old male) has been to the vet many times and we haven’t yet figured out exactly what’s going on. We originally brought him in for redness on his feet which wasn’t terrible, they prescribed a cream, didn’t work, then prescribed meloxicam, didn’t work, then they prescribed...
  6. D

    Guinea pig with symptoms

    Hi, I have a Guinea pig named chip. I had him since December 2020. He lives alone but had 4 cage mates but he fought with each cage mate so now he lives alone. He does really good alone ever since. He has been a very happy eating guinea pig during last December 2023, but then in January I...
  7. Teema

    Critical Care, confused?

    Hi everybody, sorry me again regarding Pipsqueak and the bladder sludge saga! We have ran out of critical care and the last bag we had was out of date so had to be chucked! Until Amazon can get us a delivery, we asked the vet if there was anything they can give us. They have given us CCF...
  8. WilfyPig

    Possible Renal Failure (Inc. Blood Results)

    Hi everyone, I've been an avid reader of TGPF for a few years now and appreciate all your content so much! I really need to crowdsource some opinions/experiences regarding renal failure in piggies please as my pig Wilf (4yrs 8 months old) has been ill for the past month. Apologies in advance...
  9. A

    Not eating hay even after dental surgery!

    Hi! My 7.5 y/o guin pig Nut has been refusing to eat hay for a while - while having a monster appetite for anything that isn't hay (pellets, veg, critical care, joint supplements I feed him). After a visit to the vet we found out that he has overgrown molars trapping his tongue, and today he...
  10. C

    Recognising Signs of Heart Failure

    Hi everyone, I have a bonded neutered male and female pair that are rescues and I have had them exactly a month now. The little girl suddenly took a turn about two days ago and is exhibiting a lot of symptoms that align with heart failure: visible, laboured breathing where her whole abdomen...
  11. Puddles1999

    Lost Weight?

    Hi Everybody. My Minnie used to weigh around 1,000. Plus or minus 30 grams. However recently for the last few months she’s been weighing around 880-890. I weigh her every night at 8pm to get a more accurate reading. She has been to the vet and she just came off baytril for a uti. However this...
  12. C

    Skinny pig with weight loss and diarrhoea

    Hi I really need some advice. My skinny pig is losing weight fast and has intermittent diarrhoea. It is smelly and ranges from runny to clumped together to normal. I took her to The vets and was given loxicom and Baytril. I have looked at both of these online and their side affects are loss of...
  13. H

    Help! Poorly pig losing weight

    Hi all, I was wondering if you could help me please! My poor piggy Harry has been poorly now for around a month and I am at a loss as to what to do for him. He's a 6 year old fella. 4 weeks ago he had a snotty nose, some shortness of breath and a little drop in weight (from around 1.15kg to...
  14. D

    Older Guinea Pig, Rapid Weight Loss

    Hi all! I have a male guinea pig whos maybe about 5 or 6 (don't know his exact age as he is a rescue) so hes an older boy. I just came home from uni and my parents said he wasn't eating as much. I went to check on him and hed barely touched his veg, water or hay and he felt very skinny. Took...
  15. F

    How to gain weight + mystery illness

    My guinea pig Zebbie is 4 years old and he's recently been ill, but we can't tell what with. We've been trying to help him gain weight after this as he has been in much better spirits and seems to be improving. Through the entire duration he has had critical care feed, pellets and plenty of hay...
  16. Wetherill


    Hi, I’m wondering if anyone on here has any experience with a pig with hyperthyroidism. My Lionel (5) was diagnosed with this illness back in around June, and he is being medicated to this day. It doesn’t really show that he has an illness, though, he is happy, active, eating and drinking well...
  17. M

    Mystery weight loss

    Hi I posted about my 3 year old guinea pig Tony and his mystery weight loss a few months ago. It’s still on going and the vet is out of ideas so I’m hoping some of you experienced owners might know what’s going on. Quite desperate at this point. At his peak tony was 1180g he’s now 850g. He’s had...
  18. A

    Critical Care worked so well for this sick piggie he thought he could fly!

    Jokes aside, fortunately Algernon was uninjured by his tumble. We picked him up, checked he wasn't in pain, then continued with his syringe feeding, which he happily finished. Some background: On friday evening me and my wife were on the sofa watching TV. Our piggies are allowed to free roam...
  19. Wetherill


    I’ve been posting a few times over the last few months or so about my boy Lionel (5), who was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism about a week or so ago. He has started on pills, but as much as he eats, the weight is still falling off of him. He had been eating critical care from a spoon for a few...
  20. biotechanna

    Poor piggy still ill after a month

    Hi, I'm posting regarding my 3.5yo guinea pig, Lazarus. He started to show symptoms about a month ago (loss of appetite, puffed up fur, lethargy, pooping less, crusty eyes). As soon as he started showing symptoms, I brought him to the vet. He did a course of Baytril for a URI and Terramycin eye...