water bottle

  1. P

    Best Water bottle?

    I have been using Plastic water bottle from Pet at home and I notice they’re leaking, making a watery mess in my guinea pig cages. Does anyone have a good recommend a good quality water bottle that doesn’t leak when not in use by my guinea pig?
  2. P

    Not drinking

    Has anyone found their guinea pig has stopped drinking when they've moved house? I assume it's the change in water. Nancy has IC and she would drink when in pain and that would help with a flare. She's currently having a bad flare and I think this is in part the fact she isn't drinking now.
  3. wheek!guinea

    Drinking from bowl now

    I replaced one of my piggies water bottle since it was old and leaky before but noticed he hasn’t been drinking from it. I tested it and have seen him take 1-2 sips from it, but noticed by the end of the day there was little drank from it which is not like him. He’s usually going through water...
  4. hayleejes

    Glass water bottles

    Hey! Not sure if this would be the best topic to put this under but has anybody else tried Full Cheeks' glass water bottles? I recently got two of them for my two boys as they're a bit bigger and I thought it might be better than the plastic water bottles I had. After a day they had barely drank...
  5. Bettyb26

    Drinking water

    Hi everyone, My piggy Eddie doesn’t seem to really have the hang of drinking out of a water bottle and I’m getting a little bit worried. He had one of the Classic bottles that you see everywhere and I recently changed it to the ferplast 600 one that his brother has because he drinks a lot in...
  6. Oinkpiggies

    Baby piggy drinking water constantly

    Hi everyone my baby piggy (not sure exactly how old he is), is drinking a lot of water compared to my other pig. Pretty much everytime i come downstairs to see them he is drinking water. Is this maybe a sign of diabetes? I have a vet appointment on Monday but just wanted to hear any insight.
  7. G

    Good water bottle for piggie with special needs?

    Hello guys! I have a guinea pig, Momo, with a couple different chronic health issues and want to find a water bottle that really will leak a lot less for her. She has a head tilt and some balance issues that make her a bit unsteady, but she gets along well and eats and drinks independently...
  8. Nandu

    Going from a water bowl to bottle

    Hi guys! Until now, I had water for my guinea pigs in a bowl. In our earlier cage, there was a bowl attached to the cage wall itself. In our new (MUCH BIGGER) one, we have kept a water bowl. But both of the guinea pigs keep dropping hay or food into it, which means I have to change it very...
  9. L

    Water bottles

    Hi, I’m looking for some water bottle recommendations in the uk. I’ve just recently got the pets at home glass water bottle and I’m finding it quite problematic. I’ve switched from the ferplast plastic bottle as it was leaking really badly, I had multiple of those and it didn’t matter they all...
  10. Mystic_corgi

    Water Bottle Mystery

    My guinea pigs have two water bottles, but they NEVER use the second one its the exact same as the one they favor just smaller, yet they refuse to use it. Could there be a certain reason for this.... I have checked it multiple times to make sure it works and it works fine. Should I buy another...
  11. Hiimkrystle

    Pigge eating but not drinking

    Hi there! My guinea pig is home from the hospital on critical care. She's finally eating hay! I'm so happy she is eating hay but she has still shown absolutely no interest in her water bottle. Is there anything I can do? I know she is getting some water from the critical care that I'm syringe...
  12. Jesse's pigs

    Water bottles

    What do you guys put under water bottles? Mine don’t drip massively but tend to drip for a bit after the piggies have had a drink leaving the bedding a bit damp. I use towels for their bedding with piles of hay and a microfibre bath mat down one end which I change every 2 days and recently I’ve...
  13. MollythePiggylover

    One of my guinea pigs tooth is shorter than the others

    I was playing with my guinea pig the other day when I noticed one of her teeth was shorter than the other ones. I do not remember her teeth being like this before, she is eating fine and drinking. I think it might be her water bottle but I honestly do not know. I do not have a picture but it is...
  14. Marshie

    Water bottle placement

    Hey, I plan to have two piggies as well as two water bottles just incase, although I am wondering on the placement of the bottles, Should both of the bottles always be placed closed together or would it be okay to separate the bottles far apart?
  15. Dystopoly

    Glass vs. Plastic Water Bottles?

    Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this, I wasn’t quite sure where to put it... I’ve been using plastic water bottles since I’ve had my pigs - but they seem to get dirty and require me to purchase new ones quite quickly in order to keep them sanitary, (I deep clean them normally 2-3 times a...
  16. PiggiesAndPaws


    I’m on holiday with my guinea pigs and the bottle is completely shattered. I still have the screw on lid but no bottle. There are no nearby shops. I have a water bottle but the lid won’t fit onto it. I don’t have a drill or any tools so please just tell or give me advice of how I can fix my...
  17. H

    New Guineas can’t find water

    Hi! We got two guinea girls yesterday and we’ve been leaving them to settle in and have fed them veg by hand so they warm up to us. Luckily they seem really confident with that. However, they don’t appear to have touched their water bottle and I’m worried they can’t find it! Any tips or will...
  18. Maddii.Maddii

    Sudden water bottle avoidance.

    My 3 boys have suddenly started avoiding their water bottles! 😣 I've had 2 355ml Living World glass water bottles (photo attached) in their cage for almost 2 months now with no issues. I cleaned them out 2 days ago throughly with only water, Qtips and rice (to clean out the inside) and I...
  19. ishimercado

    Drinking too much water

    Hi, I've noticed these past few days that my 2 Mos old Silkie has been drinking way lots of water. She has a 125ml water bottle that she could finish in 5-6 hours and I've to replenish again. She pees a lot but has no unusual color in it. Her poos are also normal, dry and not squishy. She still...
  20. F

    Ideas for Attaching Water Bottle to DIY Cage

    Hi there! Over December my husband and I created our own DIY guinea pig cage/plant table combo as a Christmas present to me (I have been wanting some guinea pigs for a while now!). On Saturday we will be picking up our guineas from a rescue (a momma and baby!). I have everything in place but...