
  1. piggycuddler_44

    Blood in urine won't go away

    Hi, I noticed blood in my male guinea pig's urine a month ago, and bought him to a vet that specialises in Guinea Pigs. They put him on pain meds and antibiotics for a while (1.5 weeks), but nothing changed. Since then, they did an ultrasound, x ray,and checked his kidneys. He did have a lot of...
  2. J

    Stroke or Ear Infection?

    My guinea pig has been poorly for a week and a half now. Please see the timeline below. What do you think? We are aware seeing an exotics vet would be best but they are very few and far between where we live so we’re looking for some opinions online in the meantime before we can get him to one...
  3. P

    Taking guinea pig alone to vets

    Hi I have two pigs who normally would go to the vets together. Pumpkin needs to go for a scan- looks likely she has the same hormonal issues and IC as her sister. Now, in the past I've brought them both always and it feels mean to not bring them both. But Nancy is also having a flare up and I...
  4. w3dnesday

    Unwell guinea

    Guys, my poor Wednesday is unwell. She’s probably about 3/4 now and hasn’t really had any health problems before. A few days ago she looked like she got something stuck in her mouth and couldn’t get it out, she eventually stopped and i’ve been keeping an eye ever since. She’s done it a few times...
  5. Jemmalnorris

    Struggles and squeaks when going to the toilet!

    Hi everyone, I’m writing this post about my gorgeous guinea pig jasper. He is just over one and has been suffering for 6 months with an illness which I am struggling to finding answers to. He has always been (and still is) a very happy guinea pig, eats and drink’s constantly, runs around with...
  6. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Blood in urine.

    Hi guys! (Sorry I only seem to come on when I need help, it’s been really difficult with losing piggies and poorly piggies I’ve been finding it hard to come on.) After losing Iggy last year I thought my bladder troubles were behind me but boy was I wrong. My beautiful Andromeda has started...
  7. AK32

    Vets in Hampshire

    Morning, I've been reading through some old posts and have seen some vets close to me recommended but some were quite old. I was just wondering if anyone had any up to recommendations on these three practises. Anton Vets Blackwater Valley Vets Braken Veterinary centre (active vet care) Just...
  8. H

    Guinea pig vet and health query

    Helloooo I’m wondering thoughts and I’m also probably going to vent/release stress too. After I had to have my beautiful Eddie put to sleep, I got another boy for my Teddie, call Errik. When I brought him home in November he clearly was right, as he kept sneezing and snorting. I took him to the...
  9. C

    Am I a bad owner?

    Today my baby boy Ginge, was euthanized today at the age of roughly 4 and a half years he has been ill for nearly 2 years it was when he was primarily going for a toilet, he was having trouble peeing and pooing and squeaking while doing this everytime he was freezing in pain, he was fine in...
  10. V

    Guinea pics terrified at vets

    Hi all, I went to the vets for the first time with my guinea pigs yesterday and come away feeling disheartened 😩. The experience at the vets yesterday was awful, they were incredibly nervous, cowering underneath their fleece, one was squealing incredibly loudly, she threw herself into the hay...
  11. Xmolxlie

    Spaying a 4 year old female guinea pig with cystic ovaries.

    Hi! I have two guinea pigs that I’ve had since May 2018, I got them from a friend who couldn’t take them with her when she moved, and I know they are a little over 4 years old. My friend had Foxy, the male pig, neutered before he turned 1, and recently I took Kovu my female pig to the vets, and...
  12. Piggymum22

    Please help!

    Emergency please help 🙉 So after 2 years of owning boars this has never once happened to me and thought it was some kind of myth, my poor little boar has fallen victim to a dreaded glue incident 🤦‍♀️😭 Went to bed last night and piggies were absolutely fine, woke up this morning and they seem to...
  13. M

    Guinea pig still won’t eat or drink

    Hi, I’m really desperate for help. I noticed my boar Milo wasn’t himself just less than a week ago. He wasn’t eating much, wasn’t moving around, had a weepy eye and crusts around his eye, was really lethargic and not himself. I took him to the vet and they said it was an infection and he was...
  14. I

    Eye troubles

    Hi I am a new owner of skinny pigs I have 3 ! They are all amazing and I'm loving getting to know them and this forum has been such a help ! Two days after bringing them home we noticed one had a lot of sleep I'm his eye and he was favouring the other and we clean it for him and kept an eye on...
  15. T


    Hello, I'm posting this thread on behalf of my customer who has 2 guinea pigs who isn't sure what to do next and neither am I. I've got 10 guinea pigs of my own and used this forum in the past. One of the guinea pig foot has been swollen for some time now (a month or two). The owner took him...
  16. A

    Urgent Enquiry: Vet needed in/near Leeds

    Sorry to be spamming this request but I urgently need a recommended vet, preferably in Leeds. The vet locator on this forum is out of date and Sergio Silvetti no longer works at Holly House, Leeds. I am wondering if anyone knows of a vet they could recommend in or around the Leeds area or...
  17. A

    Recommend a vet in Leeds area?

    Segio Silvetti - as recommended on Vet Locator - at Holly House vets, no longer works in West Yorkshire. Any other suggestions of a Cavy savvy vet that comes with a recommendation else I shall have to take pot luck.... Thanks for any help.
  18. coco&chanel

    Severe Pneumonia Help

    Hello, My Guinea pig Tommy looked to be struggling with his breathing last November, so I took him to the vets. The vet said he had a sore throat(?!) and gave me Baytril 2.5% to give him 0.4ml twice daily. I did this, and he seemed to improve. Since then his breathing has been getting...
  19. Wizzy

    Recommended Vets Around Kent/east Sussex

    hiya, So I’ve been taking my guinea pigs to pets at home vets, but I really don’t think they’re very good. Have looked at the recommended vets near me, but my mum says they are all either to far or to expensive. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the vets at pets at home, or...
  20. S

    Is Vets4pets Any Good For Guinea Pigs?

    Hi. Just wondering if anyone has ever gone to vets4pets as I'm thinking of bringing my guinea pig there if need be. just wondering if they are competent guinea pig vets or if they just specialize in cats and dogs etc. If anyone can more specifically tell me of their experience at the old Kent...