urinary issues

  1. almondandcashew

    Almond's Bladder Stone & Advice

    Hi everyone! I have been a long-time lurker of this forum and wanted to share my boy Almond's recent experience with bladder stones and ask for prevention advice. Almond and Cashew are my first piggies so I am new to dealing with bladder issues and want to ensure I'm doing the best I can. 5...
  2. L

    Urinary support - oxbow

    Hello, I have been using the oxbow urinary support treats for my piggy Lily as reccomended by the vet for support with stones and sludge. I am however struggling to source any at the moment and get the impression this might be a regular issue. I have almost ran out comepltely so was wondering...
  3. Federica93

    Possible Interstitial Cystitis

    Dears, I need your advice... About a month ago my 6-year-old started having very smelly pee with sand. The vet did an RX on her and it turned out to be vesical sludge. She then gave her Enrocat (Enrofloxacin) for 10 days and the odor reduced, but then it returned a week after the antibiotics...
  4. Cryptillian

    Worm-looking thing came out of guinea pig post stone surgery?

    Hi all, so I made a post a few weeks ago about my 7 year old boar who had a large bladder stone and later had a successful surgery a few weeks ago. He gained most of his weight back and seemed back to himself but we had to extend his pain meds another week because he was still in some pain. Vet...
  5. Cryptillian

    What do I do if my senior guinea pig has stones?

    Going to give some context here. I am from the US, my pigs are given oxbow vitimin C supplement daily, cup of various veg (romaine, cucumber, bell pepper, carrot, strawberry blueberry, apple, watermelon rind, etc but only the romaine and bell pepper is really a daily thing, fruits are more of a...
  6. S

    Bladder Sludge and Pained Pooping

    Hello everyone, My wife and I's precious little girl (lovingly named Mouse), has developed a serious issue this past week. Starting two Sundays ago, we noticed that she had some pained vocalizing while peeing and pooping. She was also leaving behind an awful lot of bladder sludge out of...
  7. rosiehabs

    Guinea Pig Squealing in Pain when Moving Bowels/Peeing

    Hello, My guinea pig has been squealing in pain when peeing/pooping for the past week. I called my vet as soon as I saw symptoms, but they can't see me for another 2+ weeks. At first I thought he was constipated because his poops were smaller but now I think it may be a bladder issue because...
  8. LunaticPoodle

    a sigh of relief for Rutto (just venting)

    Hiya, posting here since it's not an emergency anymore. So, as you know we recently lost Geezer, so I'm ultra paranoid about Rutto while we wait for his surgery. We came back from my mother in law's around 5.30pm, a couple hours later I was lying on the sofa with a massive headache from sitting...