
  1. KirstyGP

    Struggling with loss and guilt.

    Hi, it’s my first time posting here although I’ve been reading posts on the forum for a while and have found all the existing guidance around receiving a terminal diagnosis and caring for a piggy at the end of their life etc invaluable so thank you. We had two boars, Bramble and Butterbean aged...
  2. Lunapxggies


    I’m at a loss with one of my pigs, I got her from an abusive situation where she was alone , not being fed and in a gross environment. I’ve tried to bond with her but I think she is too traumatized to bond with anyone( anytime i try to go near the cage (unless i have food) she runs away or tries...
  3. VanessaC

    Traumatised Guinea Pig

    I took Jasper to the vet Thursday just gone as I noticed he wasn’t eating as much as usual, my previous guinea pig suffered with terrible gut stasis so I wanted to catch it as quick as possible. I brought his big brother Zeb with him whos very calm. When we got home he just sat there like a...
  4. S

    Skittish Guinea Pig Help

    Hello! I'm new to the forum, and I'm Brazilian btw, so sorry if my English is bad! But I really need help. So, I have a piggie called Stark, and i got him from a past of a very traumatic home, wich he had to stay with 10 other piggies, in a very small cage, with one water bottle and one food...
  5. L

    Trouble eating

    Hi, I noticed today that one of my guinea pigs is having a little trouble eating. He recently suffered a trauma when one of my other boars managed to escape his own cage and into the neighboring one. He was injured with a very large bite wound to his lower back. It was over the weekend and we...
  6. violetgirl


    I just brought home a 4 year old guinea pig named Violet. We had a 15 minute car ride home and she did NOT like it. When we got home I gave her some veggies and held her in my lap. She seemed fine and i put her back in the cage. I had to leave for several hours. When I came back,I had to...
  7. violetgirl

    Dental Issues?

    I recently adopted a 4 year old guinea pig named Violet and last night she experienced a bit of trauma involving two car trips and a cat. She nipped at me a bit and I assumed it was stress. I am wondering if it was possibly an issue with her teeth because this morning she was chewing her food a...
  8. Celine298

    My New Traumatised Baby

    Hey all! I recently bought a new guinea pig (Sunny) from a well known and respectable pet shop. I'm aware that they are social creatures and like to be kept in pairs or groups. This pet shop adopts that policy and keeps it's piggys in pairs/groups of the same gender. However, when I picked out...