tooth root abscess

  1. LWB

    My guinea pig has tooth root abscess, have anyone ever take their guinea pig to get lower teeth extracted?

    Hello, I'm from Thailand and not a native speaker so I'm sorry for my English in advance. One of my guinea pigs is about 2 years old, he has been having tooth abscesses for 4 months now. The vet recommended us to have the tooth extracted because it is likely that said tooth's root is the cause...
  2. K

    Root extraction

    My baby girl , not even 3 years old, has has an infection due to her teeth breaking and has a whole bump under the chin. Not eating properly or letting me feed her also. Tried metacam and 2 other mets with it and she had diarrhea so stopped it straight away. She's less active and picks on...
  3. J

    Tooth root has grown out through the bottom of the jaw.

    Hello, this is going to sound really bad and like a ‘please help the sweet baby cross the rainbow bridge right away’ scenario. However, miraculously she has been doing ‘great’ and appears to be enjoying life - just wanted to start off on that note. The main question I have ***** is it...
  4. Kirstones

    Tooth root abscess and dental surgery, help!

    I’m posting on here for a bit of advice, as well as to inform others of a very specific problem I’ve been having with one of my piggies. (Skip to the end for my current situation!) I have a 4 year old guinea pig called Mavis who lives with two others, two months ago (on her 4th birthday) she...