
  1. M

    Guinea pig lost weight and front teeth

    Hellowww ! I have a guinea pig hes 1 year and 8 months. He had diarrhea on friday, and then a impaction on saturday and went to the vet sunday and got critical care, inflammatory meds and vitamin c medicine. At the vet he was very stressed and irritated, and at his second appointment on monday...
  2. Lil3piggies

    Size Difference

    Hi guys! Not sure which forum to post this in but I have two males, both the same age (so I was told when I bought them- and they were the same size) but Artie is now loads bigger than Archie who still seems tiny. When I hold Artie he feels nice and chubby how I imagine a guinea pig should be...
  3. Elgifu321

    Are My Baby Boars Healthy Weights?

    some of you followed my Guinea pig Oswyns story, he passed away last week unfortunately so I was left with a lonely pig in need of a friend asap. I reached out to rescues first for boar dating but none anywhere up to an hour or 2 drive away seemed to have any solo boars so I resorted to...