
  1. S

    Spoink’s hamster. 💕

    Hiya, I’m Alex. Mummy adopted me just over a year ago. I love mummy cuddles, mostly climbing all over her. I think her ponytail is the cosiest spot, but mummy doesn’t think so? I sleep in the weirdest, most cosy positions. But, most importantly, I am a complete stud muffin and absolutely...
  2. D

    Hamster safe fruits, veg, seeds & nuts - New owner in need of guidance.

    I'm a new hammy owner and I've been reading up on what fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts are safe for thier consumption. However, I read on one website that "feeding seeds that are packaged for humans can lead to health problems like obesity and diabetes in hamsters, because additives such as salt...
  3. Julie M

    So This Happened.........

    Meet Belle (named as we picked her up yesterday and the storm was called “the beast from the east”) she was advertised on a Facebook group as free to a good home. Her cage is ordered pending delivery (Barney cage). She’s currently in a cage called “Coney Island hamster cage” which is too small...
  4. TheLottiediarys

    I Love My Hamster A Lot Apparently!

    A few weeks ago we rescued a hamster from pretty bad conditions, Her name is Daenerys. Last night I got a little tipsy, My boyfriend found me laying down in front of Daenerys cage, Apparently I was crying, saying how much I loved her, that she was cute and had 'ear mustache's' So that was a...