
  1. Cowboycat

    Guinea pig post stroke

    Hello! This morning my guinea pig had a stroke. I took her to the vet immediately and they let me know it was from itchiness (lice). Turns out she got it from boarding at our local guinea pig rescue 😞. The vet stabilized her, medicated her, and kept her for the day to ensure there were no more...
  2. J

    Stroke or Ear Infection?

    My guinea pig has been poorly for a week and a half now. Please see the timeline below. What do you think? We are aware seeing an exotics vet would be best but they are very few and far between where we live so we’re looking for some opinions online in the meantime before we can get him to one...
  3. Lovelypiggies

    My Guinea pig has possibly had a stroke

    A couple of days ago I went to feed my piggies and noticed that one of them had a head tilt (she had been fine in the morning only a couple of hours earlier). I took her to the vets as soon as possible and they gave me antibiotics to treat what they suspected was an ear infection. When we got...
  4. V

    Guinea pig losing balance

    Hi! My guinea pig is nearly a year old and he had a castration month and a half ago. Since then he has slowly started losing weight and losing balance. He was 900g and now is 650g. I'm force feeding him with emeraid intensive care and he is eating on his own too but less than before. He doesn't...
  5. Stella&Twist

    My Guinea Pig had a stroke please help me with questions :(

    My baby Stella couldn’t walk Tuesday when I woke up she seemed kind of disoriented and was walking slowly in circles and had a head tilt, figured maybe it was an ear infection so I was gonna take her to the vet Friday.. well that wasn’t the case at all she started getting bad throu out the night...
  6. EllieHawkins

    Guinea pig suffered a stroke. Need advice.

    Sadly my beloved Luna (1 year 2 months old) has suffered a stroke. I visited the vet immediately but because he didn’t see it happen he didn’t want to say it was for certain but prescribed me antibiotics. She drools on one side (the weak side) and has lost her balance and tilts to the one side...
  7. ChubbyCarrots

    Missing my baby.

    Exactly two months ago he passed away. I still get really upset talking about him, he was my baby. He meant the world to me. His passing hit me hard, he went so suddenly and if I’m being honest, I don’t want to move on for fear of forgetting my darling.
  8. A


    I have two guinea pigs, Edmund and Messi. I took Edmund and Messi to the vet to get a check up as Edmund looked to have an eye infection of sort. The vet said Messi's skin was a bit dry so recommended lice treatment (cream on back) in case there was any parasite. I said no if he didnt have any...
  9. PiggiesAndPaws

    Buddy Is Popcorning in the Stars

    You probably know about my guinea pigs struggle and his constant strokes. Today that all ended. He was paralysed and refusing to eat. I did what I could but he couldn’t pull through. I really did love him and he was my everything. 2:07🖤 He peacefully passed away surrounded by the comfort of his...
  10. ChubbyCarrots


    I think my piggie is dying! He keeps opening and closing his mouth, he can’t move at all, he can’t eat or drink and THE VETS CANT DO ANYTHING PLEASE HELP ME BUDDY IS MY LIFE AND I LOVE HIM
  11. PiggiesAndPaws

    Guinea Pig 3rd Severe Stroke - Please Help!

    Hi there, my guinea pig has been having strokes since September and I really have no idea what to do! I can’t take him to the vets because they’re all closed, he’s paralysed and can only move his front two paws slightly, he’s still pooping but he looks like he’s dead. I know that he’s still...
  12. PiggiesAndPaws

    Aftercare for a Guinea Pig After a Stroke - Part 1

    A couple of weeks ago my guinea pig suffered from a stroke. There was no particular reason or cause it just happened out of nowhere. He is getting older now and he's approaching 3 years old so his age could be the reason. I wasn't there to witness his stroke but there are a few easy symptoms to...
  13. E

    The hot weather

    Hey, I have 3 long haired guinea pigs and they really do hate the hot weather. They are fine in the garden as long as it’s 24degrees or below. Anything more like it has been over the weekend and they become very uncomfortable. Upon coming home today my other half found a very uncomfortable pig...
  14. MadPiggies :D

    Goodnight Optimus

    Hi guys. I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while but sadly Optimus has passed away. He passed away yesterday on Mother’s Day as his body couldn’t handle a stroke which he had the day before. Sadly every vet in our area was shut and we knew that we couldn’t put him in any more stress. He passed...
  15. Devyn50

    Here's Hamlet

    Here he is in all his glory. Hamlet....male ( where are the girls) 14 months ( acts like a baby) had a stroke ( can't keep me down) blind in one eye ( who needs 2 eyes) has issues chewing ( as long as my mama syringe feeds me, I'm good) loves to sleep with his mama ( ok so I'm a mama's boy)...
  16. Devyn50

    Specialist Stroke

    Believe 9mo Hamlet had stroke, 2 months ago. Head tilt, run circles and buldging eye.First vet ear infection..easily 3 weeks of antibiotics. New vet ..brain stem infection..another 4 weeks of different antibiotic. Last 2 week's antibiotic Baytril. Head tilt better but not stable walking. He has...
  17. NatalieW

    Saying Good Bye To Blodwen

    Hi, I used to be a member of this forum ages ago but forgot my details so I have set up a new account, my three guinea pigs are all around 6 years old. I've been away for a week with my dad looking after my pigs, been back about three days, and I noticed something wasn't right with Blodwen, She...
  18. A

    Guinea Pig Died All The Sudden

    My pig died unexpectedly during the night because when I woke up I went to check up on her she was lying on the floor stiff. I was shocked, she was only 3 and a half years old I don’t think it’s because of old age. I fed her regularly and I was going to clean her cage today. Her cage was big. I...
  19. S

    Floppy/limp Guinea Pig?

    I have a 3yr/old boar that has been pretty healthy his whole life. Until recently, that is. He's been feeling kinda lifeless and floppy, not dead though. I look it up and it says something about having a stroke, and I know that they're subject to heat stroke and it's been REALLY hot in Oregon...
  20. Guineapigfeet

    Strokes And Raddish Leaves

    Look how good they are getting at strokes! And raddish leaves went down rather well (thanks Dad!)