stringy poo

  1. sophie_fn

    Help! Stringy poop and lack of appetite.

    Hello, I would appreciate some help with my elderly female. For the past two or so weeks I have noticed that she hasn't quite been herself. She is usually a huge foodie, but I've noticed that she is not eating as much as normal. She is still wheeking for food and clambering at the cage to get...
  2. J

    Why Does My Guinea Pig Have Stringy Poo Sticking To Her Bum?

    So, I have a guinea pig named Caramel, and she is 5 and will be 6 in about 2 or 3 months. (Nobody knows her real birthday.) She seems to be going through pain lately, and I hate to see her like this. She has been sort of hopping, sort of limping on her back legs instead of walking on them, and...