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squeaking while peeing

  1. rosiehabs

    Guinea Pig Squealing in Pain when Moving Bowels/Peeing

    Hello, My guinea pig has been squealing in pain when peeing/pooping for the past week. I called my vet as soon as I saw symptoms, but they can't see me for another 2+ weeks. At first I thought he was constipated because his poops were smaller but now I think it may be a bladder issue because...
  2. Jemmalnorris

    Struggles and squeaks when going to the toilet!

    Hi everyone, I’m writing this post about my gorgeous guinea pig jasper. He is just over one and has been suffering for 6 months with an illness which I am struggling to finding answers to. He has always been (and still is) a very happy guinea pig, eats and drink’s constantly, runs around with...
  3. lilpumpkamo

    Mystery hair loss near back legs during persistent UTI

    Hello all, I am stumped so I wanted to crowdsource some info from other guinea pig owners. This is mostly a TLDR I wrote a lot under the images on Imgur. Here is her history: Age: I have had Kaylor for 3.5 years, unsure of her age as I rescued her but let's guess about 5 years old now...
  4. annachristina_piggies

    Possible interstitial cystitis... Looking for answers...

    Good morning! My gorgeous boy Piglet (I’m biased I know) has been having bladder issues for some time now. He’s had numerous infections in the past which antibiotics have cleared, however since December he’s experienced blood in his urine and pain when peeing - we’ve tried two different...
  5. piggydobz

    Pig squeaking when peeing / pooping

    Hiya, Our piggie Howard has suspected bladder stones. Unfortunately the vets he has seen haven’t been the quickest to diagnose anything and its been about 3 weeks since the first symptoms started. Vets gave him a week of Baytril to try incase UTI, however there was no improvement. In the last...
  6. Jesse's pigs

    Steve toileting troubles AGAIN

    Seems like everyone of my pets is giving me a little moment during lockdown. First Bigwig (who is still with us bless him and seen a vet so got some answers now thank god), Steve with a minor case of bloat which he's had before (was all fluid), my new dog (vomited 8X in span of 15 mins) and my...
  7. jesse1234

    Troubles going to the bathroom

    My little boy Oswald is having discomfort peeing and pooping. He is 2 years old and recently (about 2 weeks ago) got off of antibiotics for a URI. He had issues going to the bathroom while on the antibiotics but he was on Natural Science Digestive Support (and still is) and that really helped...
  8. Wizzy

    How long should baytril take to cure a uti?

    One of my guinea pigs rexy has been squeaking while peeing for 2/3 weeksish, on and off before I finally convinced my mum that something was wrong, and she went to the vets last Sunday at pets@home. The vet gave one 0.6ml dose daily and loxicom twice daily to her, and said if it doesn’t improve...