soft poop

  1. nicolecorrine

    Guinea Pig Care After Illness

    Hi everyone, I have a couple of questions regarding my two girl piggies. For starters, my girl, Missy, had what looked like diarrhea for about 24 hours. She also lost about 50 grams since last week. I gave her critical care, massaged her tummy, and gave her a small does of gut motility I had...
  2. Angie2022

    Soft poop problem

    Hi! My piggies Mochi and Molly have been having soft poop for the last 2 days. Mochi has also be having teardrop shaped poop while Molly only has soft poop but look normal. They are still very active and wheek for veggies. I have been keeping them off veggies for about 24 hours. I read a lot...
  3. M

    Please help my piggy! X-rays for soft poops?

    Hi all, I was wondering if you guys have experienced this before. I am taking my girl Ginny to the vet on Thursday. A few months ago she was on antibiotics for a respiratory infection and her gut didn’t seem to recover. She used to have diarrhea, and now it’s just (stinky) soft poops. They’re...
  4. M

    Soft, smelly poops after death of cagemate?

    Until recently I had two guinea pig extremely bonded boars housed together, though last weekend one of them suddenly fell ill. He lost a lot of weight very quickly, was hot to touch, making pained noises, and occasionally gasping in pain. We rushed him to the vet, and were given an extensive...
  5. Guptheguineapig

    Homemade Hay "Critical Care"

    Can I soak Timothy Hay in water and then blend that mix up in a blender with a little apple sauce or pellets for my guinea pig? The Critical Care is causing her poops to soften. The last thing we need is diarrhea.
  6. G

    Persistent Soft Poop/Stool! Help!

    Hi! I have two boars. Patches and Carmal. I posted another thread about this, but it has not gotten better. I’m really worried. I live in the US, so I would not be able to get fibreplex. He does not have diarrhea but both of their poops are soft. I have not taken them to the vet, since my...
  7. G

    Soft Stool/Poop

    Hi. I have two boars (Carmel and Patches) they get along fine. About a week ago I took them off veggies because of their white pee and soft poop. It was probably more than a week by now though. Right now they’re on a diet of hay, pellets, and fresh water. The soft poop has been going on...