
  1. Y

    Sexing Help! I thought I was sure, now I'm not!

    I have 4 x 2-week old babies. We were given a female to keep our lonely single elderly female company after the loss of her sister. Turns out she was already pregnant! Hence 4 babies. So, we thought we had two boys and two girls. Just rechecked them using the guide on here and now think 4 boys...
  2. K

    Sexing -4week

    I apologize my kid was helping with photos. Each picture is different guinea. Pushed in belly down and not penis shaft besides what is showing popped.
  3. GPmama2

    Help with sexing please ♂ ♀

    Hello! We have four sweet little 2-weekers who we are trying to sex so we can prepare to separate. Dad is now fixed. Mom is not. We have been trying to sex them ourselves but would LOVE some more expert opinions since we are new GP owners. Please let me know if I should provide any more photos...
  4. E

    Mistaken Female?

    Hey! I bought what should've been a female guinea pig 3 months ago to give me other female guinea pig a friend after her half sister sadly passed away to cancer. They've been very happy together and the new pig has a lot of personality. I recently noticed that sometimes when I put them in the...
  5. veesilver

    I think I have 2 sows...but I'm not sure. Help?

    Hi! I just got two sows a couple of days ago, but I've been advised to check them as well just tbe sure...and well, I don't know. I attached 2 pictures, please help me out xx Note: I am aware the piggies are currently very dirty (from their previous environment) and will clean them soon.
  6. S

    Found out after a year I have a boar and a sow rather than two sow's. How come they haven't mated?

    Hi, my situation is abit tricky, I haven't been able to find Info on this anywhere. Today, after a year of owning my two pigs I've noticed that my sow is actually a boar. I've had this verified by someone more experienced than me, but i find it strange that they haven't mated by now. I'm...
  7. GeorgiaHarris

    Is she a girl?

    I’ve never had female piggies before but I recently got two, one I’m certain is a girl but the other is confusing me a bit, one time I look and I think girl but then sometimes I doubt whether or not she is. I was told she was about 3 months old and she very small (500g) so I cant really tell. As...
  8. PiggyPoo

    Boy or Girl?! Help!

    There some hay in there! What should I do?!12 weeks old xx
  9. min eleanor

    female guinea pig rumble strutting/purring to other female, need advice

    hi! so i got my pigs not long ago and they are both female (well supposedly, i’m hoping they are) and one has been rumbling/purring to the other. i understand that it can be a dominance behaviour for females and the one who does it is definitely the bigger pig and more brave but i want to rule...
  10. K

    Boy Or Girl?

    hi I've had my guinea pig for a year and I'm just now learning about the intricacies of taking care of your piggie. I thought he was a boy but we looked and we thought it was a girl but I looked again and I really think he's a boy but none of are too sure. can someone help me gender Finn, please?
  11. M

    How Do I Fix This!

    Two months ago we brought home two little female guinea pigs. They live in a 3' x 5' run indoors with toys and tunnels etc. We would have bought a third if there had been one available and it was always in our minds to get another one anyway. We have been reading about bonding and...