senior guinea pig

  1. I

    My boar is 4 today, should I get him the senior pig pellets?

    Hi everyone, my boar is turning 4 today, he has a bonded boar with him whos 1 and a half, with that in mind should I feed him the senior pig pellets or should I continue to feed him the adult guinea pig pellets? Any other advice on what to feed/ do to a boar who is in his golden years would be...
  2. S

    Guinea pig had what appeared to be a choking fit

    Hi all, My guinea pig, Momo is currently 5 years old and has what appears to be a choking fit yesterday for the second time in 3 months. both times she looked and sounded like she was popping for about a minute or two (don’t know how to describe it, see the first few seconds of attached video)...
  3. K

    Senior Piggy Face Abcess

    Hello, I'm new here and understand that this forum isn't a substitute for legitimate veterinary care, but my situation is somewhat unique and I could use whatever advice you may have to offer. I should start by saying that my 6 year old male guinea pig, Snickers, is not well socialized...
  4. M

    Death of a cage mate

    I’ve had two Guinea pigs for almost 7 years now. One of them unfortunately passed away 3 days ago. I’ve read online that you should get your pig a new friend. The brother of the pig who passed away does not seem extremely upset and I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do to get another pig. I...
  5. C

    Guinea pig not eating after being spayed

    Hi, My Guinea pig Daisy is 5 years old and 6 days ago she was spayed due to recommendations from vet because of hormonal changes. She hadn’t returned to her usual eating/ behaviour after a couple days so on the follow up appointment we expressed these concerns and was told it can be normal and...
  6. amelchor005

    Senior Guinea Pig Alone

    Hello everyone, it's been YEARS since I last posted here (so long that both of my guinea pigs in my PFP are long deceased) 😅. Anyways, my current guinea pig, Lucy, lost her cage mate today due to kidney problems and she is alone once again. She also had another mate last year but died due to age...
  7. sarahpiggies

    Foods to Help Elderly Piggies Gain/Maintain Weight?

    Hi all, in the UK here and I have a fairly old piggie, Willow, who was fully grown when we got her as a rescue 6 years ago. She is the tri-colour Abyssinian in the photo below, snuggling with her best buddy Lyra! I think she is around 7 years old. She has had ovarian cysts with symptoms on and...