
  1. danteruno

    Big scabs

    Good day everyone, My skinny pig Dante suddenly has scabs on his cheek and neck. I’m not entirely sure where it came from and what it is. It started on his cheek then the two on his neck appeared. I attached photos and drew circles on the scabs. I don’t see any mites and we just went to the...
  2. holliep_

    Help please - guinea pig biting and scratching herself

    Hello, reaching out to see if anyone has dealt with a similar problem or can offer any advice. My piggie Rachel is 7 months old and has recently had two surgeries for an abscess on her neck. This has now healed well, but she is now scratching and biting her back as she had to wear a bandage...
  3. AppleandTwig

    Post op issues

    Hello, my Guinea pig (4 years old) recently about 5-7 hours ago got surgery on his cheek/below cheek, he had a small tumour that caused his teeth to vary in length making it difficult for him to eat. During the car ride home (we picked him up about 1 and a half hours ago) he was rubbing his...
  4. D

    Help! My new guinea pig worries me!

    Hi, I recently got my first pet a new guinea pig (pocket), last Thursday. A person in my neighborhood was giving him away because his new guinea pig wasn't getting along with this one. Pocket was slowly opening up and at the beginning wasn't eating but is now eating well. I have a few things to...
  5. E

    Help! Piggy Sores? Won’t Stop Itching!

    Hello All! Just a few days ago I noticed on the left side of my pig’s nose the hair was falling out and then saw a small pea sized sore behind his left ear. Then yesterday I found 3 more sores on his chest and near his bottom. He keeps chewing at the sore on his back and is worrying me that...
  6. A

    Mites ?

    Hi all, my guinea pig Albie has been scratching incessantly the past few days. Today he has seemed very different: not wanting to be touched, teeth chattering, sleeping a lot etc. I have known something is not right but during floor time I noticed a big bald patch behind his ear, which was red...
  7. B

    Very worried about Penny

    For a couple of years she has had quite a big cyst on her side, we took her to the vet and the vet said she would be fine. It flared up really bad last week so we took her to the vet and the vet said the surgery would be extremely risky for her so we decided to leave it, today I noticed her...
  8. P

    Lice or mites?

    Recently I've noticed tiny grayish specks on my guniea pig. Most of them seem to be on her behind. Some of them appear to move but none of them are attached to her skin it's all on her fur. Shes also not experiencing any hair loss as of now but she does bite her side an awful lot. Can anyone...
  9. B

    Dominance or fighting?

    Hello! I am a new piggy owner! I currently have three male skinny pigs! Pig who is almost 4 months is in his own separate cage and Scotch and Char(Charcoal) are in their own catch and are 2-3 months old) Pig is in a large Living World Cage and Scotch and Char are in an XL Living World Cage. I...
  10. Isabela

    Guinea Pigs Scratching And Biting Because Of Washing Powder?

    Hello. Is there any chance that my guinea pigs scratch and bite themselves because the washing powder that I use for their fleece blankets doesn't suit them? I've since changed it. I used a liquid powder Blink Color Waschmittel Ultra-Sensitiv and now I switched to the powder one. The one I...
  11. Isabela

    Scratching And Biting Because Of Hay Dust?

    Is it possible that my two guinea pigs are scratching and biting themselves because of the hay? The hay is fresh and it's always dusty. It's from home, not from a store. Since a lot of people have allergies and dry skin because of that, is it possible that they have it too? They've been to the...
  12. N

    Guinea Pig Scratching, Baldness And Crusty Skin Around Eye

    My guinea pig has been scratching the area around her right eye for about 2 weeks and since then I noticed baldness around his eye that's been growing ever since. The bald skin is also very crusty and he can barely open his eye. I went to the vet which gave me a kind of medicine that i should...
  13. Chancey

    Not Very Active - Diagnosed With Infection.

    Hi there, My three little piggies that I brought home last Monday haven't been doing too great (we think they may have had this before we got them as they were showing symptoms then as well - milder though). They've all been sneezing and coughing quite a lot, as well as scratching - the...
  14. TheCavySlave

    Scratching Piggy?

    Hi, haven't posted for a while, so anyway. Duncan had a scratching session! Over a minute of scratching with his leg, his mouth, it was awful to watch. There are tiny white specks in his fur, is that related? I've asked mum to take them to the vet, aaaand... She says she doesn't want it to be a...
  15. Celine298

    Itchy Pig

    Hi guys! A while ago I posted a thread here about my boy Sunny. He had a fungal infection in his skin but has since been treated and given the all clear by the vet. He was also checked for mange mites and given the all clear. This was a few months ago and he's still quite itchy. He's and Abby...
  16. Beans&Toast

    F10 Disinfectant As A Wash..?

    I was advised by a vet (not my normal vet) that F10 disinfectant can be used for Beans who is scratching/biting around her thighs and vulva area. She's been checked for mites and it's not that so I was advised to try this. I was told 1ml of F10 per 500mls of water and bathe the area twice a...
  17. P

    Red Hairless Patch Inside Back Leg

    Hey, all! I have a new baby piggie--maybe 12 weeks old or so. I love him to the moon and back so I'm fairly torn up right now over a patch on the inside of his left leg. It's hairless and looks reddish to me. He does scratch a lot and has just started biting, but that could be because I keep...
  18. Beans&Toast

    Excessive Biting/scratching- Possible Parasite.

    I've noticed for about a week now Beans has green/yellow marks at her bum from her using her mouth to scratch (it's very obvious as she's mostly all white) I wasn't too worried because she wasn't obsessively scratching it was just occasional. But I've noticed today she's really pulling hard at...
  19. WinnieandBear

    Lice Treatment Working Or... Not?

    Hello! I recently posted about my two girls and discovered that they have lice. They have seen a vet who couldn't find any lice but I was sure I had seen a couple so they both had a shot of ivermectin and he said to return in one week. That was on Saturday and my girls seem to be even more...
  20. WinnieandBear

    Lice Infestation?!?!

    I recently noticed the girls scratching more especially today and so checked Florries fur, I noticed a brown fleck and upon further investigation it was wriggling about and soon found another one. I am so creeped out but even more worried how I am going to make the girls feel better and get rid...