scared guinea pig

  1. Jemmalnorris

    Guinea pig suddenly terrified?

    My guinea pig (male 2 years old) was having floor time, running around with his brother like normal, and all of a sudden froze at the entrance of his cage and was terrified to enter. He darted to the other side of the room and refused to move. Eventually I had to place him back inside his cage...
  2. C

    Guinea pig suddenly scared of everything - URI?

    Hello everybody! I'm worried about our 2.5 year old boar Manteli. We have had him and his brother for almost a year. Yesterday night he became very different from his usual self, it was like he was scared and suspicious of everything in sight. He is a shy boy in general but this was different...
  3. Cooper & Chris Farley

    New Rehomed Piggie Advice Please!

    Hey everyone, thanks so much for all the love after I lost Cooper last month. I sure do miss him, he was just the absolute sweetest boy. I brought home a one year old male abyssinian mix last night, Pinocchio, as Cooper’s brother Chris needed a new cage mate. I’m excited that Chris will no...
  4. L

    Scared of wool?

    Hey guys, Two of my three boars, Storm and Angel, are actively scared of the scent of wool. My mother crocheted me some woolen wrist warmers some time back, and now she's crocheted me some patches of wool to put under fleece covers in their cage so they can better regulate their temperature in...
  5. Lizy914

    I need advice please, for my new guinea pig.

    Hi, so 2 days ago I got a new lady guinea pig. Her old family couldn't have her anymore as their kid was alergic to her, so they gave her to me. She is one year old now and was living alone. Because I already have one guinea pig at home (she's two years old) and her friend died a few months ago...
  6. Hundo

    After seperation Guinea is scared of people (Possible TW bad handling)

    Hi all, I'm going to leave a trigger warning for bad, some may call it horrible handling out before posting but this is going to be a post more about my own mistake or mistakes with handling guinea pigs as a new owner. I say "my" because my girlfriend wasn't involved in any of it. We ended up...
  7. toodledoodler

    Trouble handling

    Hello fellow piggie lovers! I have 2 beautiful boars named Wilbur and Fred, both 4.5 months old. They’re my second pair so I thought I had experience handling guinea pigs, but now I realise that my previous pair were really quite easy to handle. We have made some progress - they now happily eat...
  8. P

    Need help piggie all of a sudden terrified of being handled.

    Hi Everyone, So I’ve had my 2 boars for nearly 2 months now, the more dominant piggie Angus has gone from absolutely hating being handled to allowing chin and head scratches a few times a day. However… My more submissive piggie Percy has gone from slowly relaxing for cuddles and burrowing into...
  9. fluff.

    What do I do if my new guinea pig gets scared (and starts squealing very loudly?)

    this happened yesterday, but i still would like to know sorry for any incorrect grammar along the way so, like, i got my new guinea pig 2 days ago, set her in a temporary cage to quarantine her for a week, and later picked her up with my other guinea pig, placed them in the playpen, and set...
  10. S

    Skittish Guinea Pig Help

    Hello! I'm new to the forum, and I'm Brazilian btw, so sorry if my English is bad! But I really need help. So, I have a piggie called Stark, and i got him from a past of a very traumatic home, wich he had to stay with 10 other piggies, in a very small cage, with one water bottle and one food...
  11. S

    How to clean the cage when the guinea pigs are new and still scared?

    Hello! I have had my guinea pigs for 5 days now and they are still very reserved and won’t come out of their hide when I sit or stand too close to their cage. I have spot cleaned daily since I got them but now I need to clean out the entire cage. The problem is, as previously mentioned, that...
  12. Y

    Sheep has been acting weird lately...

    My sweet boy Sheep (he's a male, about a year and a half old) has been acting completely unlike himself lately. He's never been a huge fan of being picked up, but lately he either sits there & chatters his teeth if you're anywhere near him or he looks terrified all the time. He won't stop hiding...
  13. S

    very shy baby girl

    about 3 days ago i got two 3 week old girls, alby and birch. alby is getting on really well and even eats out of my hand occasionally but birch is extremely shy and i'm worried i might have really scared her by trying to pick her up :( any advice or consolation would be very much appreciated as...
  14. E

    Scared guinea pigs

    Hi I’ve just got 2 baby female guinea pigs. They are in an out door hutch. It’s quite large and they have a good size bed area/hidey area. It’s well insulated and in a sheltered area. When I took them home I put them straight into the hidey part of the hutch and they haven’t moved since (6...
  15. AlabasterCrow

    Scared Piggy

    I've talked about Cho and Sha before on this forum and would just like to say that they are doing mostly fine. Their cage was just upgraded and they are happy as can be (even after Sha broke his toe, which is healing wonderfully.) But I'm having a problem with Cho. On one hand we have Sha...
  16. Karla0822

    New Scared Guinea Pig! Need tips please!

    Hi there! I brought home a 3 month old male guinea pig named Hershey two days ago. Unfortunately I did not do enough research on cages and got him the wrong kind but a good c&c cage is shipping now so hopefully I’ll get it by next week. I know they are prey creatures and will hide a lot because...
  17. P

    Skittish Piggies

    I got two male baby pigs a week ago and they’re very skittish. Whenever I move they dart into their hidey house. I was sitting on my bed and I stretched and they went into full panic mode. I’ve been handling them, but maybe I’m not supposed to at this stage? What can I do to tame them or at...
  18. Anastasia_GPM.

    Should I be worried about my piggy?

    So, here's my story, and why I'm concerned. This is probably going to be long, so I totally understand if you stop reading here. haha I got my first guinea pig November 10th 2018. Just a few months ago. It took a lot of convincing to get my parents to agree, so we agreed on just getting one. I...
  19. S

    When to hold new baby Guinea Pig?

    I just brought home my baby Guinea pig 2 days ago. Not sure exactly how hold he is but my guess is he is 2-3 months. He started eating out of my hand an hour after being home, which I understand is quite fast. But is nervous when I go to pet him, jumps at any little noise I make and the 3 times...
  20. R

    Was my guinea pig abused by her last owner? She is always scared of me.

    Hello everyone! I already have a thread going about a different problem I have, but I figured since I was already here I could bring up something that's been troubling me for a while. If you haven't read my last thread, I have 5 guinea pigs. The oldest is about 3 years old, and the youngest we...