
  1. smudgeandcrumpet

    New guinea pig!

    hi everybody! i have been thinking about getting another guinea pig to bond with my two females, preferably a female since i wouldn’t want any mistakes as in being told a male is neutered and he’s not! i got my two from pets at home since i wasn’t really aware of the downsides then, i’ve been...
  2. TheLottiediarys

    Question about Boars in shelters?

    I know Boars can’t go back into a bonded pairs if either of them have lived with Sows Inbetween. But, Is this just a pair who have previously been bonded? Or is it any Boar who has lived with Sows who are unable to live with another Boar afterwards? And what do Shelters do about Boars who are...
  3. TheLottiediarys

    Looking For A Rescue, No Luck So Far!

    Hi guys, As some of you may know, I've been struggling with my Guinea Pig Baby lately, Ive attempted to bond her with two different sets of females and both attempts, Recently and about a year ago havent worked out :/ I'm now facing a situation that i'm not sure on, I have two sets of pairs...
  4. sammie123546

    Any Good Rescue Centres Near Me?

    Hi, I'm looking for a good rescue shelter around the Manchester/ Stockport area, and (if possible) any young-ish guinea pigs available? We only have one guinea pig with us at the moment because her friend was recently put down :(, so we are looking for few young ones to live with her (she is...
  5. Elgifu321

    I Want To Foster Small Furries...

    I'm in the process of trying to foster some small animals, I would take any rodents really and have experience with guinea pigs, rats, mice, dwarf hamsters, syrian hamsters and rabbits. I live in warrington and I saw an ad for the RSPCA not the closest one but second closest to me in altrincham...
  6. Elgifu321

    Need A New Cage Mate For My Bereaved Piggie

    my piggie Rupert has been on his own almost a week now and his behaviour has changed- he's hiding more and not moving around etc. I've been giving him extra cuddles but I know it doesn't make up for piggie company. I was looking for rescues near me and found cavy haven and made an appointment...
  7. R

    At A Complete Loss!

    Hello! However this is not my first set of guinea pigs, this is my first rescue set! Long story short I've recently rescued 3 boars from a very neglectful home. All of their nails are disgustingly long and curled round. The boys have never been handles (they're 4 years old) meaning they've never...
  8. JoannaMarie

    Where Can I Get A Guinea Pig From In Nottingham?

    Hi I really want to get a friend for Alan this weekend as I have a few days off and would be good to keep an eye on them for the first few days. I have been trying to contact the Avalon Rescue but haven't been able to get in touch. Where else could I get a guinea pig from in Nottingham? I can't...
  9. Squidgypigs

    Our Squidgypigs (including New Freead Rescues)

    Our original duo (named by my daughter) Ethel-Seal The Poo Banana Peppa Pea Pirate Soup The 3/2/2016 rescues (freead piggies - went for two young sows came back with four mature sows, all in bad condition, two obviously pregnant, and a boar. (we have space, veg & friendly vet). Blondie...