
  1. PipSqueak20

    Rest in Peace Pumpkin

    Hello, After a few weeks of ups and downs of my boy being sick. Unfortunately, I had to make the decision to put him to sleep. It was an incredibly painful decision but it was what was best for him as I don’t think he would have made it through today. He was a light, a very vibrant pig and...
  2. ChipandSin

    Fly high Chip

    We miss when you would bite on the cage for treats and how you were a big grumpy crybaby who would get mad when somebody told you no. You were a very sweet boy Sinclair misses you very much. 💕
  3. urgilej

    R.I.P Leia my princess

    Leia, she. was 3 1/2 years. old and passed away next to me surrounded by everything she loved Christmas Morning at 3am. I sadly felt the end. was near when she couldnt be mobile anymore. even after we I took her to the vet to get the treatment she needed. She didnt die in pain. I helped her...
  4. Tori11247

    End of a beautiful Era

    Today we lost the last of our 3 beautiful piggies, Gus. He is now over the rainbow bridge with his brothers Nutmeg and George. We also lost George 5 days ago unexpectedly, so to say goodbye to both of them in a week is absolutely devastating. I’m glad that Gus didn’t have to be a lonely piggy...
  5. M

    So long, Comet.

    My beloved Comet has unfortunately passed away today, and I can remember when I first came across this website. I was not a registered member, and we had all come here to look for advice on what to do for them. She died so unexpectedly that none of us could have seen it coming. She was in...